Page 5 of Bernadette

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“You mean, will I make another attempt on my life?”

“Along with a few other matters, but yes, that’s the biggest question I have now.” He surprised her by bowing in an old-fashioned courtly manner. “I am Imdiko Doljen, part of the spyship crew that chanced upon your colony.”

He wasn’t a soldier, but a member of a medical staff. A healer instead of a fighter. Despite those bulging muscles, he hadn’t shown up to harm the women and girls of Europa.

As she replayed his last statement, Bernadette seized on the wording. “Youchancedupon Europa?”

“Apparently. We were tracking an enemy general when we stumbled upon you. Sheer luck.”

“Ill luck,” Bernadette muttered.

“It depends on which side you’re on.” Doljen chuckled. “Most of your fellow colonists would agree with you, unfortunately. We’re working to change their minds.”

Her guts lurched. “What do you mean, working to change their minds?”

“Spoils of war, Matara. You all belong to the Kalquorian Empire now.” His smile had disappeared. His gaze was assessing.

Anger bubbled through her. Her fists clenched so hard, her fingernails dug into her palms. “Unholy filth. If I could, I’d claw your eyes out.”

“You look capable of it.” Doljen raked her up and down with his stare once more. “I admire your strength. No weeping. No begging. Are you as tough as you appear?”

She refused to answer. When he approached and circled her, she remained stock-still.

She even managed to keep from jumping when he scooped a handful of her heavy, dark hair from her shoulder. “Beautiful hair. And eyes, now that I’m past how oddly your pupils are shaped. So deep and dark.”

He stood close enough she could sense the heat of his body through her nightgown. His scent, strangely sweet, spicy, and musky all at once, infused the air she breathed.

Electric warmth woke within her. Panic, no doubt. Whatever it was, she wouldn’t give into it.

Bernadette moved her head slowly to the side to slide her curls from his palm. “Don’t touch me.”

“Why not? What are you afraid of?” His voice had gone soft. Gentle.

She took a single step away. Her chin lifted, and she met his gaze. The bastard appeared amused, damn him.

“I’ve done nothing wrong, so I fear nothing. You can’t hurt me in any manner that counts.”

“Bernadette.” His sinuous tone sent a shiver down her spine she fought to keep from displaying. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Then go.” Did she sound choked?God, grant me strength.

“I could since I’ve made my assessment. Would you like to hear it?”

“I’m uninterested in what you think of me.”

“No? You aren’t the least bit curious?”

She refused to reply.

“I’ve determined you are indeed a concern. First, you might attempt to kill yourself again. Second, you could prove to be apoor influence on the other captives. You’ll have to remain in isolation.”

She hated hearing that. The others needed her to be their strength in the face of the Kalquorian invasion. They needed to observe her defiance.

She wouldn’t beg, however. “If you’re done, there’s the door.”

A flash of a smile, a real smile. Prophets, the brute was handsome. “I’m also supposed to make recommendations on how best to reconcile you to your future with the Kalquorian Empire. To ease your transition from intimidated, second-class citizen of Earth to a self-confident lifebringer of worthy Kalquorian clanmates.”

She seized on the part that didn’t terrify her, centered all her attention on the tiny flash of outrage. “Intimidated?”
