Page 70 of Bernadette

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“Excellent,” Tumsa breathed, his gaze centered on her nether parts as he stepped close, hands positioning his cocks. They nudged her openings. “Hold her tight, so she can’t get free.”

With no further warning, he thrust in deep. Exalting hurt burst through her, and orgasm nearly followed. She shouted and writhed, barely able to do so since she was sandwiched tight between the men. Her palms clapped against Tumsa’s rock hard chest, simultaneously trying to shove him away and grab hold as mingled pain and ecstasy scrambled her senses. Her feet kicked out.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Doljen chuckled in her ear. “You’ll stay right here and take your fucking like a good girl.”

Tumsa grinned down at her as she gasped. “It won’t take much, will it? One stroke? Two?”

“I’m betting on one.”

“Let’s find out.”

He slid outward slowly, making her feel every inch passing through her. As he did so, he manhandled her breasts and took her mouth in a breath-stealing kiss.

He drew back until only the tips of his shafts remained in her, in danger of slipping free. She knew what was coming next, but under his erotic assault, there was no opportunity to brace for it.

Tumsa drove into her with more force than before. Climax burst through her in a crash of brilliant white light, and she knew no more of the men she was caught between. There was only the violent tumult of elation pouring through her.

She came to herself little by little. Tumsa’s thrusts had slowed, and she rested against him instead of Doljen. The Dramok’s secondary slid out of her ass, relieving some of thetension, easing the vicious friction that drove her out of her skull.

“You aren’t done yet, little Earther,” Doljen growled behind her.

Pressure against her ass again. It took a moment to realize he was pushing inside her with his larger shaft. As full as she’d been before, it would be nothing compared to having a pair of Kalquorian primary cocks within her.

Again, there was no hope to ready herself. He shoved inside without mercy, stuffing her to her limits. She squalled and pleaded for time to recover, for a minute to calm her still-spasming pussy. They chuckled and ignored her.

The next moments were a blur of snatched visions of Tumsa’s eager face, of her cries echoing off the shower walls, of rising and falling as they rutted in a frenzy, all experienced between cataclysmic surges of passion. Somewhere within the maelstrom, she heard the men cry out almost simultaneously.

Bit by bit, reality returned. The steady beat of the shower ceased. Had she washed? She must have, because there was no sign of the mess she’d been after cleaning up the engine room. Maybe it had happened during those gentle moments of the men rubbing their hands over her body.

Soft pats of a towel. A wide-toothed comb in her hair. Not hers. Doljen’s hair was shaggy. Had he brought a comb with him? It probably belonged to Tumsa, whose waves were more pronounced than his.

“We need to com and see how Hal’s doing,” she murmured, her cheek pillowed on someone’s shoulder as she was carried into the bedroom.

“I just did so. He’s been asleep since we left. Kom’s okay too.” Doljen’s voice floated everywhere.


“It looks as if you could use some sleep yourself.”

“Mmf.” A mattress was beneath her. Sheets covering her. Fuzzy faces faded in and out. Damn, she’d come so hard. All that after the explosion, straining to pull two hundred pounds-plus each of Hal and Kom out from under the wall component crushing them, fucking Tumsa to get him on her side at the hospital, working on the ship, then sex with a couple of very demanding Kalquorians…

Tired didn’t begin to cover it. But they still had to convince Doljen to return to his clan.

Her eyes had closed, and they refused to open. Especially with the warmth of bodies on either side of her. Bernadette sighed and knew no more.

Bernadette woke before her companions. She was squeezed tight between them, owing to the bed that was sized just big enough for a pair of humans. A human and two six-and-a-half foot Kalquorians made for a very cozy situation. In fact, they covered her, arms and legs slung over and knotted to keep the pair from falling off the edges.

Had they spoken after sleep had claimed her? Judging by their snores…they damned near shook the bed…they’d been pretty tired too. Maybe they’d dropped off soon after her.

Her mind catalogued the possible scenarios and various responses she could make to any arguments they might raise. She breathed quietly and deeply to settle her quarreling emotions.

Minutes later, as prepared for the unknown as she could be, she shifted, turned, and stretched. They woke at once.

The trio rose without speaking. Tumsa glanced often at Doljen, as if weighing if he should speak or do anything. Doljen was withdrawn, his gaze and tense expression claiming he was deep in contemplation. They were warm to Bernadette, showingno sign of distance as far as she was concerned, but it was clear they had no idea how to deal with each other.

A com to the hospital revealed Hal was still hard at work claiming restorative sleep. His vital signs were strong, and the doctors had upgraded his condition. Kom was also doing well. When Bernadette spoke to him, he was weighing the advantages of going without the arm (the better to show off to fellow Nobeks), a robotic arm that would look almost realistic, or one he could attach various tools and weapons to in place of a hand.

“Only Kom would be so cheerful about losing a body part,” she snorted to her companions in the mess hall as they plowed through a big breakfast. “If Larsen isn’t running from that lunatic now, he never will.”
