Page 73 of Bernadette

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Doljen chuckled, and the humor sounded real. Bernadette beamed.

Tumsa learned to breathe again.

* * * *

One week later

Bernadette’s explosion was headed off by Doljen’s. The Imdiko’s voice cracked like a whip. “What the hell are you doing out of bed?”

Hal scowled until he resembled a surly dog, but his shoulders hunched the least little bit. He glanced threateningly at those loading cargo in theRogue’sbay, as if to dare them to laugh at him being shouted at. “I heard Kom was back.”

“And that has what to do with you and your recovery?”

“You said I’d be on my feet before he returned.”

Doljen’s tone was ice. “I believe it was the captain who suggested youmightbe up and around once he got out of the hospital. Besides, Kom isn’t cleared to work yet either.”

“I’m ready for light duty.” Hal straightened to prove his point and winced with pain.

“You’re ready to be a doorstop.”

He refused to concede. “The captain said—”

“Last I checked, Captain Miller isn’t the ship’s doctor. I am, and when a crewmember’s health is in question, I have final say. Turn your impatient ass around, stick it in your bed, and don’t crawl out again until I say so.”

Hal’s mouth opened, and Bernadette readied to unload her own orders.

This time, it was Tumsa who barked before she could. “Your quarters, Nobek. Your bed. Now!”

A Dramok who wielded the full force of his commanding personality couldn’t be denied, even when that Dramok was as conscientious and caring as Tumsa, Grumbling but cowed, Hal retreated.

“I’d better make sure he does what he’s told. Eight years have done nothing to diminish that stubborn streak of his.” Doljen headed for the door Hal had exited through.

“If he gives you any trouble, let me know,” Tumsa called, then he caught Bernadette’s eye. “With your permission, Captain.”

“By all means. Clan leader can take precedence in this matter. Besides, it makes my life simpler.”

He laughed, his handsome face dazzling for the happy expression. She laughed with him, thinking how in a matter of days, the three men had begun to sound like an old married couple…or rather, trio.

“You know, once the big brute is healed, we should take a detour to—” He broke off and cursed as his ancient handheld abruptly powered down. “What? I swear, if I lost my inventory count because of this piece of old Earther junk—”

Bernadette sighed. “Order a new one if it’s giving you so much trouble.” He’d been cussing it since the start of the shift. She’d already accepted the funds from the sale of Fod’s ship would have to go to several extra upgrades she’d been putting off.

One of her hovercarts transporting a load sailed past under Nobek Burken’s guidance, whistling in a high pitch instead of its usual steady hum. Bernadette groaned. It sounded as if both stabilizers were on their way out.

Why was it stuff that had hung in without a whimper suddenly had to fall apart the instant a few extra dollars showed up? Once repairs and replacements were finished, she’d not only have spent the awarded funds, but would probably be in debt.

Her frustration ebbed as Tumsa exclaimed with relief. He’d booted up the handheld and discovered he hadn’t lost his data. He was a quick learner and turning out to be a valued member of the crew and her life. With every day that passed, she grew more certain she could love this third Kalquorian.

He caught her watching him. His features lit with hope he rarely allowed to show. Gratitude rang in his tone. “I don’t know why you’re smiling at me, but I’m glad you are.”

“Am I?” She supposed she was. “Somebody needs to give me a reason to be happy with the tab this ship is running up. Thanks for being that somebody.”

He beamed. When he could forget his worries, Tumsa’s smile lit her heart. She was definitely going to fall head over heels for this guy too.

“Tell me what I’m doing right so I can keep up the good work,” he encouraged. That was Tumsa, forever looking to make life better.

“Just keep being you. That’s more than enough.”
