Page 78 of Matthew

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But Gabriel…he incited more than a mere urge to bury cocks in mouth and ass. Gabriel pulled at Baknu in areas besides his groin, without benefit of more than a few minutes’ conversation.

“We’ll have to work them from both sides. There’s a sense of two against the cosmos with that pair. They won’t go to Kalquor for themselves, but they’d do it for each other.” Baknu’s deliberations had arrived at that simple declaration.

Kisk nodded in agreement. “He’ll defend her, she’ll defend him. I got that too.”

“If she’s convinced it’s to Gabriel’s benefit to go to Kalquor, Iliana will relent.”

“And if he feels she’ll be safer with a clan, he’ll try to sway her on our behalf,” Takat added with enthusiasm.


“Find out all I can about both. Learn what might convince them to come with us.”


Takat brought up a separate concern. “Earther males don’t get a free ride on Kalquor as the women do. We’re talking about a commitment to the boy.”

Baknu had already thought about that. The soft pull in his chest suggested keeping Gabriel would be a choice he was willing to make, but reality said he might not be right for the captain’s clan. “Another clan or a single man will want him if he isn’t right for us. With those eyes? That face?”Along with that desperate, hungry aura that begs men to feed him everything he’s been denied.

“And all the rest,” Kisk growled softly.

“If it comes down to it, his sister could claim family hardship. She could insist she needs him close. That’s a point worth making when it comes to convincing her to go, that she can require her suitors see to Gabriel’s living expenses on Kalquor.”

“Financial security for him as well as herself. Good bait to dangle.” Takat’s glance was significant.

“For her, yes. I’d prefer the boy choose us based on other things.” Though Baknu’s Dramok father had played the wealth game and won highly ranking clanmates he adored in the end, it wasn’t the captain’s practice.

“Gabriel’s spectacular,” Takat sighed, wistful as they reached the hectic dock where their freighter was being unloaded. “I hope he’ll think the same of us.”

“Let’s find out.” Baknu’s mission to collect Iliana, distasteful at the start, had taken on a promising glow.
