Page 13 of Irene

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Sherv’s expression lit, making Irene’s heart quicken. He sat cross-legged on a massive chair across from the lounger. The pose stretched his already tight shorts over the bulge of his crotch. Irene fought to keep her eyes on his face. Why weren’t they excusing themselves to dress? Was it normal for Kalquorians to wear so little? Earthers were notoriously repressed in the view of the rest of the galaxy, but surely she wasn’t being overly shocked?

Apparently uncaring of how little he wore, Sherv launched into halting but impassioned praise of the uferliss. From the stream of exuberant chatter, Irene learned he owned such an instrument and had taught himself to play it.

Jemi perched on the end of the lounger, feet on its surface, hugging his knees. At least the pose covered much of his near-nudity. His black mane spread over wide shoulders as he watched Irene with a respectful demeanor. When Sherv paused for a breath, he said, “Sherv play many in-ster-mins.”

“Instruments,” Rusp corrected. He remained standing, leaning casually on the back of Sherv’s chair, which blocked some of the view of his outstanding physique.

“In-stroo-mins.” Jemi smiled. “Sherv play incredible, and you sing incredible. I sayincrediblecorrect?”

“He work hard to tell you how much he like your singing if he ever saw you again.” Sherv grinned affectionately at the Imdiko.

“You said it perfectly,” Irene laughed. “You speak English so well. I’m curious, though. If you play so many instruments, Sherv, why don’t you add them to your show?”

“We argue now.” Rusp grinned. “Sherv want to play, but other instruments are not lemanthev. We get in fights with audiences if we call ourselves lemanthev band and play them.”

“Is true.” Jemi shot Sherv an apologetic glance. “Incredible anger if we use wrong in-stroo-mins.”

“The fans are particular, huh? It can be strict in my field too. Fausto insists opera is the only real music and the only true theater.” Irene chuckled. “He gives me quite the earful when I tell him of other forms of music.”

“You are so talented,” Sherv sighed. “You have big range. Many octaves.”

“Oct-ivs?” Jemi asked.


“Ah. Yes. I hear you sing four tonight.” He counted on his fingers to verify and showed her four.

“I’ve sung seven in vocal evaluations.” Irene hoped it didn’t sound as if she bragged. “Never that many in performances, however.”

Sherv chuckled. “Don’t need so many to howl.” He belted a few words Irene took to be Kalquorian to demonstrate.

Irene laughed in agreement. Inspiration struck suddenly. Using vocal fold technique, she unloaded her own growly tone, howling the first line of her solo from the show.

The clan gaped at her. Then laughter rang as they clapped in enthusiastic appreciation.

Rusp smacked Sherv’s shoulder. “We replace you with Irene. You don’t howl for us no more.”

“I retire. I can’t compare. What I do with my life now?” He hid his face as if ashamed.

“I don’t want the job. Keep it.” Irene giggled. She tried to imagine herself on stage as naked as the men, in a black leather bra and underwear, stomping and snarling. The idea was ludicrous.

“You want to hear me play uferliss?” Sherv offered when they recovered from the hilarity.

“Where is it?”

“Go to our ship. We live on it. Have rehearse studio on board. We can play and talk music.”

“Wash.” Jemi noticed his post-show state. “Sorry to be sweat.”

“No problem. The lights get hot on stage, and I didn’t stop to shower after my performance. I’m probably no fragrant flower myself.” Irene’s thoughts were far from body odors. Going to their ship would land her in major trouble if she were caught. It might send her new friends the wrong message. What if they thought her interests lay beyond music?

Uptight Earther thoughts. She was alone in a room with three nearly naked men already, and they hadn’t made any unwanted advances. Perhaps she was being naïve, but she sensed no threat from the trio.

“I have more than uferliss. I have human guitar. Electronic keyboard and other Earther pieces. Full range of Beonid pipes. Many instruments. You try them. We can make songs no one ever hear.” Sherv’s face was bright and hopeful.

“Who could say no to that?” The idea of playing the gorgeous uferliss and goofing with music considered by her chaperone and musical peers as taboo was too much temptation for Irene to resist. “Where’s your ship?”

* * * *
