Page 50 of Shadows Approach

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Transport flying from Alpha Space Station to Kalquor

Tranis left his quarters. The transport he traveled aboard was an official fleet vessel, but luxurious. Meant for moving dignitaries about in non-war regions, it ranked as well as any high-end pleasure cruiser catering to wealthy tourists who wished to visit exotic vacation spots.

As he strode the corridor, he reflected on if his clanmates might enjoy such a cruise. Perhaps not Lidon, who wasn’t much for extravagance. Cassidy and Degorsk, however, would delight in being pampered and visiting lavish locales. They certainly deserved it.

His clan would soon welcome a child. They should celebrate it with a grand gesture.

He reached the lounge and was glad to see Hobato already there, sitting at a table and watching news vids while enjoying the meal provided by a kitchen serving gourmet fair.

“Good evening, Admiral.”

Hobato gestured for him to sit across from him. “It’s wonderful to be heading home. How are you feeling?”

The head of the fleet’s tone sounded somehow flat, but Tranis attributed it to the pressures of his position. Perhaps he projected his own fatigue after the various concerns of his sojourn to Earth II.

“I had my blood sugar checked prior to us setting off. Everything appears normal. My Matara will insist on more tests, nonetheless.”

“My congratulations once more on your happy news.”

“Thank you, sir.” Tranis glanced at the news vid and grimaced at the footage of protesting Earthtiques being escorted from the official opening of Earth II to new residents. “Any further reports on the demonstration?”

“Nothing to take seriously. It’s only a few dissenters, and the majority of Earthers themselves are asking other worlds to ignore the hysterics of a fringe element.”

Tranis frowned. “It reminds me of how our civil war started. A vocal few managed to attract the disaffected until we were at each other’s throats.”

“We have our people in place to quietly keep an eye on Earth. They’ll let us know if the objectors gain any traction.” He eyed Tranis levelly. “We have remaining issues from five years ago to reconcile.”

Tranis sighed. “I checked on Clan Piras’ status prior to leaving. The station master said overall their integration had been incident-free, but a few personnel did approach him to voice their concerns.”

“No outright disputes? No one asked for a transfer?”

“Thus far. Several are keeping their distance. The general attitude matches Nobek Kuran’s: they understood why Piras and Kila did what they did, but they don’t like it.”

“Based on current mood, they’re years yet from returning to Kalquorian space, much less the home planet.”

“It would appear so. I have a feeling they’ll forever be watching their backs because of what we had them do.”

“It was required. At the time, Piras had no designs on relationships. How were we to know he’d form a clan, including a Matara?”

“I feel for her, having to live under the knowledge her clanmates could be in danger. Can you imagine if they decide to have children under such a cloud?”

Tranis’ meal arrived. He’d been ravenous following his bad blood sugar spell, but his appetite was off. He felt unsteady. Not physically, but his instincts warned trouble was brewing.

He wondered which direction it would come from. Earthtiques? Those of his own species who’d avenge themselves on Piras?

It had been Tranis’ idea to send his former commanding officer into enemy territory as a spy. He felt a lot of responsibility for Piras’ situation.

“Eat, Tranis. No one solves the galaxy’s problems on an empty stomach.”

Tranis chuckled and relaxed. Hobato’s teasing was appreciated, even if it sounded strained. Despite the responsibilities and the demands on the rear admiral, he still had room to be concerned for Tranis.

He was right. Tranis needed to keep up his strength. He needed to stay healthy for his empire, and most importantly, for his clan. He was going to be a father.

* * * *

Alpha Space Station

Kuran glared at the shuttle mechanic. His anger wasn’t for the Dramok technician, who was only guilty for being the man in front of him giving bad news. “You’re sure?”
