Page 47 of Tattered Obsession

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Theo turns, shuts off the EKG monitor, and glances briefly out the bedroom window. “All right,” he says, back to business. “We’re taking a little trip.”

I barely remember to grab my cell phone off the side table before I’m slipping my hand into his. Theo crosses the room, and as he opens the door and glances out, I wonder whether he’ll tell me where we’re even going. The upper floor of the hospital is mostly deserted, save for a few nurses and staff manning their stations. That doesn’t stop Theo, who maneuvers us through the maze of hallways with astonishing stealth. Yet as he leads me through the hospital, I can’t fend off a sense of unease. Lucas is out there somewhere, and I know that he’s not going to stop until I’m back in his clutches.

But the moment we reach the main upstairs hallway, all rational thought goes out the window.

There’s a man standing by the elevators. His back is to the wall, one leg bent at the knee and the other straight, his arms crossed in front of his chest with a kind of swagger that can’t possibly be missed. And one look at the pistol hanging from his belt tells me he’s not just a guest waiting for one of the patients to come out.

The man raises his eyes to look at us. He’s tall and broad-shouldered, with an athletic build, golden hair that’s shorter than Theo’s, and green eyes that glitter in the fluorescent lights. He’s wearing a leather jacket and jeans, and the smile he gives me is lazy.

My heart jumps into my chest as panic crashes over me, and I pull back to flee, sucking in a breath. “Shit—”

But Theo gives my hand a squeeze, and there’s no fear on his face. “It’s okay,” he says, nodding at the man as we approach the elevators. “He’s with me. Vivian, this is Liam Walker. He’s a business associate of mine. Liam, this is Vivian Emmerico. My sister-in-law.”

“‘Business associate—right,” the man, Liam, quips. “Don’t overstate it or anything, yeah? Wouldn’t want anyone upstaging you.” He gives me a grin, extending his hand, and when I shake it, he watches me with eyes that are full of mirth. “Not like that can happen in this line of work, eh, Theo?”

Something about him immediately puts me at ease, and I barely even think before I’m replying, “Sorry, I must have the wrong floor. I thought this was the mob, not the West End.”

“Damn, Emmerico.” He’s talking to Theo, but his eyes remain on me, and though his expression is light, I can tell he’s watching me with tactical focus. “You didn’t mention she was such a firecracker.” His grin broadens, but beneath the good humor is something more visceral, the same sort of danger I’ve seen creep up in Theo himself. It’s buried, but it comes through, and my heart gives an unexpected flutter in my chest in response.

I’m thrown off my game—and not just because I’m standing barefoot in the hospital hallway. “Well, he, ah...” I rub the back of my neck. “He didn’t mention you to me. Like, at all.” I shoot Theo a look.

“That right?” Liam raises his eyebrows at Theo. “Fair enough, I guess. My line of work isn’t exactly the kind that’s gonna make me a best-friend-forever type of guy. I’m sure we can work something out, though,” he adds, winking playfully as he hits the elevator button.

“And what kind of work is that?” I ask as the lift doors open.

Liam glances over his shoulder at me as we follow him inside. “Come on, now, Vivi. Why would I spoil that so early on?”

I cross my arms, amused in spite of myself. “‘Vivi?’ ”

“Don’t listen to him, kid,” Theo says, shooting Liam a familiar look. “He’s full of shit.”

Liam leans back against the wall, completely unruffled. “I absolutely am.”

The minute we’re on the ground floor, we’re making a beeline for the emergency exit. “You’re not signing me out?” I ask.

“Can’t,” Theo replies. “The second word gets around to Lucas that you’re gone, he’s going to blow a gasket. The more time we can buy ourselves, the better.”

“But what about my family?”

Theo runs a hand through his hair. “Kid, right now both our families are buying whatever my brother tells them. You want to try to explain why you’re running off with me in the middle of the night?”

“We’ll have to explain it one way or another, though, won’t we?” I respond as we emerge into the parking garage. By the curb, a black Range Rover is idling, with someone waiting behind the wheel.

Theo heads for the passenger seat, but Liam pauses with his hand on the back door handle. “Fuck, Theo,” he says, and all the humor has vanished from his voice. “Are you serious? You didn’t tell her?”

“Tell me what?” I ask, glancing from him to Theo in confusion.

“That we’re done explaining anything to the higher-ups,” Theo replies, his expression hardening. “Not anymore.” His eyes meet mine for a moment, and the look in them is one of absolute resolve.

Liam sighs and opens the door for me, frowning as his eyes land on my bandaged upper chest. “That looks bad,” he observes, then offers his hand to me again.

“It was,” I reply, glancing uncertainly back at Theo. He gives me a nod and climbs into the car. Hesitantly, I allow Liam to help me up into the back seat. I’m surprised by how gentle his touch is, but that’s all I have time to think about before he’s sliding in beside me and pulling the door shut.

Only now do I get a good look at the man behind the wheel of the car. I’m not sure who I’m expecting—one of Theo’s guards, I guess—but this is another man I’ve never seen before. He’s tall and lean, with jet black hair and eyes the striking blue of a clear sky. His features are sharp, more like those of a high fashion model than a bodyguard, and he’s got a sort of cold elegance about him. A bit, I suppose, like Lucas’s elegance. That thought sends a chill down my spine.

“You’re late,” the driver says, not looking at either of them. “The rendezvous was ten minutes ago.”

“We just broke someone out of a damn hospital,” Liam gripes. “Can we get a little support, please, Tristan? Honestly, the negativity out of you.”
