Page 224 of The Arranged Marriage

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Me:Hi! We should try and get together for lunch this week, if you have time.

We talked about it at Thanksgiving. Ash was there too, but she works at Halcyon so she wouldn’t be able to make it until the weekend.

Right now, I want to pick Tinsley’s brain. Try to find out more about my husband. What was he like when he was younger? A teenager? I bet he was just as charming. Maybe a little more reckless. I’m sure he was a lot of fun. He still is.

Unless he’s mad. Then he’s just ferocious. And sexy.

Ugh. So damn sexy…

My phone dings and I check it.

Tinsley:Hey! I would love to. My week is pretty busy, but maybe next Monday? What do you think?

Me:That sounds great.

Tinsley:We could Christmas shop after! Unless you don’t like shopping.

I don’t always enjoy shopping while my mother would take gold if it was an Olympic sport, but I would shop with Tinsley.

Me:I don’t mind shopping and I do need to Christmas shop.

What would I even get Perry? I have no idea. Tinsley might know though…

Tinsley:Yay! It’ll be fun! I’ll text you as we get closer, or you can text me. Whoever reaches out first.

Me:Sounds good. Looking forward to it.

Tinsley:Me too!

With a smile on my face, I set my phone onto the table next to my chair, then grab my cup of tea and take a sip. For the first time since everything happened with Seamus, I feel calm.


“The tea is delicious,” I say to Jasper, who’s taken over the role of hovering. He doesn’t hang as close as my husband, and he’s using cleaning up around the terrace as an excuse, but I know what he’s doing. “Thank you for bringing it out to me.”

“It’s green tea, Miss Charlotte. Should help with your upset stomach,” he answers, his back to me.

I frown. How did he know my stomach was upset? I’ve tried to keep that quiet. It’s obvious to both of the men in this household that I’m not eating nearly as much, and I’ve kept the vomiting, almost, daily part to myself.

Yet here’s Jasper, yet again on to me.

“You know, you shouldn’t call me Miss Charlotte anymore, since I’m married now, Jasper,” I tell him.

He turns to face me, his expression one of pure horror. I’m sure he didn’t realize his faux pas until now. “You’re correct—Mrs. Constantine.”

I grimace. “That’s so formal.”

“That’s how I should address you. Or ma’am.” He stands up taller, clutching his hands behind his back.

“I’m only twenty. You can’t call me ma’am,” I say irritably, taking another sip of tea.

“It’s what’s proper.”

“Well, proper can suck it.” I laugh at Jasper’s wide eyes. “You’ve known me since I was a child. I barely remember life without you in it. Can’t you just call me Charlotte?”

“It’s too informal, too intimate…”

“I consider you a family member, Jasper. Call me Charlotte,” I say firmly.
