Page 244 of The Arranged Marriage

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“True that,” she says with a sigh. She finally lifts her gaze to mine, and I get lost in her pretty blue eyes for a moment. “I spent the afternoon with your mother and sister.”

That snaps me back to reality. “I heard.”

She frowns. “How did you hear?”

“Winston put security on all three of you the moment he found out you were together.”


“There will be extra security tailing you from now on until they find him,” I say, my voice firm. I don’t want her to argue with me. It’s going to happen whether she likes it or not. “We’ve got two guys at the front door right now. Both are around six-foot-five and weigh two-fifty.”

Her lips curl into the smallest smile. “Wow. I’m impressed.”

“This isn’t a laughing matter, Charlotte.” Her smile fades. “He’s not going to stop trying to get to you. Something needs to be done.”

“What exactly are you suggesting should be done?” she asks carefully.

I avert my head, wishing I could tell her the truth. That I want to strangle this motherfucker with my bare hands.

Actually, she knows that’s my truth. I just hate bringing it up in front of her all the time.

“Perry.” I turn to look at her when she says my name. “What exactly do you think should be done about Seamus?”

“Don’t say his name,” I bite out. It enrages me, the sound of her voice saying that asshole’s name. I want him banished from her memories. I want him gone.

For good.

Chapter Twenty


I’m nervous, andhave been since I took that test earlier. Perry’s mood isn’t helping matters either. I want to work up the nerve to tell him about it, but he seems too angry to hear me.

He has every right to be angry, though. He hates Seamus and knowing that he was in the vicinity of Halcyon earlier has set Perry off.

Sets me off too. He’s back. Maybe he never really left, which is horrible to contemplate. I feel more secure, knowing that extra security has been put in place, but still.

It’s nerve-wracking, the thought of Seamus lurking around. Watching us. What if Perry tries to hurt him—or something worse? What if Seamus tries to hurt Perry?

What if Perry tries to kill him?

I can’t stand the thought of him being arrested, not when there’s so much on the line. I can’t lose him. I need him now more than ever.

A shiver moves through me and I try to tamp it down, but Perry notices.

He always notices.

“Hey, come here.” He removes Doja from his lap, who yowls in protest before running away, and he pulls me into his arms, holding me in his lap instead.

I curl up into him, my head pressed against his chest, his steady heartbeat calming my anxiousness. I grip his shoulder and turn my face more into his shirt, breathing in his scent. Sitting like this, absorbing his strength, gives me so much comfort, I feel overwhelmed.

Close to crying.

A tear slips out, sliding down my cheek. Uh-oh.

Guess I actually am crying.

“Hey.” Perry slips his finger beneath my chin, tipping my face up so I have no choice but to look at him. “Why are you crying? Don’t worry, wife. I won’t let that fucker get close to you ever again. He’ll have to kill me first.”
