Page 254 of The Arranged Marriage

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Better than him, that’s for damn sure.

“You just don’t like losing,” I toss out at him.

His face turns red, his eyes blazing with fury. “You’re damn right I don’t like losing. I love that girl. We were ripped apart by her father. Hedestroyedme. I lost my job. My career. I went home to nothing and had to start over. All thanks to Reginald Lancaster. Then he just gives his only daughter away to you, when you’ve done nothing to deserve her. Nothing.”

Wait a minute—so his real beef is with my father-in-law? You don’t cross a Lancaster. They’re all ruthless, and they learned it from their father.

I may be reckless, but I’m ruthless too. Especially when it comes to the woman I love.

And I love her. She’s going to have my child. We’re going to be a family. I’ll be damned if I let anyone—especially this asshole—get in the way of that.

“He’s here you know,” I say, my tone nonchalant. Like we’re just two friends hanging out in the bathroom, having a conversation.

And where the hell are any of our guests? Why aren’t they coming in here to take a piss, for Christ’s sake?

Seamus frowns. “Who’s here?”

“The man who destroyed your life.” I pause. “Reginald Lancaster.”

“He’s here?” When I nod, he continues, “At your party?”

“Yes. And I agree with you.” This isn’t a lie. “He’s an asshole.”

“He deserves to be destroyed,” Seamus says enthusiastically. “I want to be the one who makes him take his last breath.”

Well shit. Good ol’ Seamus sounds serious. “I’ll take you to him.”

He frowns, his dark brows drawing together. “You want to help me? Why would you do that?”

“I don’t like him either.” I take a step forward. Then another. “He doesn’t deserve to be alive.”

Forgive me for saying such a thing out loud, because I don’t know if I mean it. He’s an asshole who’s put his hands on my wife, but he is her father. I know Charlotte’s feelings for him are confusing.

Seamus’s entire demeanor eases, the gun hanging from his fingers loosely. “If you’re trying to use reverse psychology on me, it’s not working.”

I come to a stop, my gaze still on the gun. I’m closer now. I could definitely take him. “I’m not trying shit with you. I actually agree, as much as I hate to admit it. Old man Lancaster is a horrible human being. He destroys lives on a daily basis and doesn’t give a damn about who he hurts.”

“You marrying Charlotte destroyed me as well,” Seamus admits, his voice rough. “Her father did that on purpose, marrying her off to anyone else but me. I’d written him endless emails. Letters. He never responded to me.”

That’s a new factoid. “What do you mean, you’ve written him?”

“I begged for his forgiveness. I told him I loved his daughter with every cell in my body. That I wanted to make things right between us.” A desperate edge fills Seamus’s voice, and his eyes are shiny. Almost as if he might start crying. “But he didn’t respond. I tried to write to Charlotte too, but the letters were all returned.”

Who writes letters? Why didn’t he just try and call her from a burner phone?

“Her father kept me from her, and then gave her away to someone else. Someone who doesn’t even know her. You.” His fingers tighten around the gun and he raises his arm, aiming it straight at me. “First, I need to destroy you. And then I’ll take out her father. Only then can Charlotte and I be together.”

I don’t even think. It’s as if every rational thought I’ve ever had leaves me as I jump toward him, my hands out, knocking the gun from his grip. It drops to the floor with a heavy clank, skidding across the tile and Seamus falls to his knees, scrambling to retrieve it.

I drop on top of him, pinning him beneath me, my hands everywhere as I try to grab hold of his wrists. He struggles beneath me, his feet grappling, his upper torso bucking in a desperate attempt to hurl me off of him.

Fuck that.

Pressing my knees to the floor, I rise up, straddling him, my fist finding his jaw. A groan leaves him when I make contact and I do it again.

Then again.

Until it’s all I can do. I’m hitting him repeatedly, blood streaming from his mouth. His nose. His eyes begin to swell. He’s pleading with me to stop.
