Page 256 of The Arranged Marriage

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A lot.

“What do you want to do with him?” Winston makes a disgusted face as he contemplates Seamus.

I study Seamus as well, curled into a crumpled little ball on the floor. “We should do what my wife has wanted from the very beginning.” I meet Winston’s gaze. “Call the cops.”

“Is this why you didn’t show up for the speech?” Winston asks me.

Nodding, I wipe the back of my hand across my mouth, surprised to see blood streaking across my skin. He must’ve got in a few hits. I didn’t even realize. “Sorry about that.”

“You were taking care of business,” Winston says. “Totally understandable.”

I can hear the respect in my brother’s voice and damn, that means a lot. It’s something I’ve sought for pretty much my entire life. My brother’s respect and admiration. I wanted to be just like him growing up, and even though I know we’re two completely different people, I’ve learned something tonight.

We’re both Constantines to our very core.

Chapter Twenty-Four


I’m in aconstant state of worry as I move through the crowded room in search of my husband. I never did make it to the bathrooms. I was stopped by one person. Then another. Until it felt rude, that I was trying to leave while Winston was giving his speech. And I’m not a rude person.

So I stayed and listened to it, silently fuming over my husband’s absence. He’s a grown man. He knew when he was supposed to give his speech. How dare he not show up and support his brother?

The worry hit me once Winston was finished. It truly isn’t like Perry to just disappear during an important part of the evening. His brother and the business mean more to him than most anything else. He would be here.

Something is wrong.

Where could he have gone?

Determined, I finally manage to leave the ballroom to go in search of my husband when Finn miraculously appears, a serious expression on his face as he reaches for me. He grabs hold of my shoulders, stopping me.

“I need to find Perry,” I say, trying to jerk out of his hold. I hate how worried I sound.

“I know where he’s at.”

I blink up at him. “What? Take me to him.”

“I don’t know—”

“Take me to my husband,” I interrupt. “I mean it, Finn. I need to see him. Now.”

A ragged exhale leaves him and then he leads me to a short corridor where the bathrooms are, and when I spot my husband leaning against the wall with Winston standing in front of him, I swear my knees buckle in gratitude.

“Perry!” The relief that sweeps through me is almost overwhelming when he lifts his head, his beloved blue eyes meeting mine.

I pull out of Finn’s grip and run toward my husband, nearly knocking him over when I throw myself at him. He wraps his arms around my waist and holds me close while I rain kisses all over his face, pulling away when he winces.

“You’re hurt.” I study his face, noting the bruise blooming on the side of his jaw. The cut on his lower lip. He looks like he’s been in a fight. “What happened to you?”

“Your husband had a little altercation just now,” Winston says as he approaches. “Don’t worry. The police have been called.”

“Who did you fight with?” I ask Perry.

His expression is grim as he admits, “Seamus.”

My lips part, but no sound comes out. Seamus was here? At the party? And he fought with my husband?

“He had a gun,” Perry continues. “He wanted to kill me. And your father.”
