Page 63 of Adoration

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"I'll take you home," I say, panting, resting my head on her shoulder. She turns her head to the side and kisses me.


We clean up, and she's giggling, because she knows that we weren't exactly alone up here. Just the knowledge that my men are right outside this door, even though I told them under no circumstance were they allowed to look in this room when I was alone with her, just the knowledge that they could excites her.


I think it over, and I finally, albeit reluctantly, agree. I'll take her back to my place. Sergio has assured me that nothing has been out of place at the club, and a part of me begins to wonder if maybe our instincts were off. Maybe it really was the people in her past that were going to hurt her, and they’ve let that go.

Or maybe the threat against us has evaporated, because I have made my stance clear.

We spend six whole days in domestic bliss. Six whole days of normality and falling in love. Six whole days with nothing but lazy lovemaking, meals and showers and sleeps shared together, brief visits to the club, and flirty texts. Six whole days before we get news that shatters every glass wall I've constructed around her.

* * *




I kissAdriano at the entrance of Bella Notte, reminiscing about the first day I met him.

God, I thought he was such a dick. I mean, he still has his moments.

Now, the thought of even spending an hour apart from him is painful. I enjoy his company. We've become really close friends, not just lovers.

"Behave yourself," he whispers in my ear, giving my ass an affectionate little pat before he leaves with a smile.

"Not on your life," I say cheerfully, waving to him as he enters the club and I head into the kitchen. He's here to talk to Sergio, and I get to talk with Eden.

"Wait until you taste her triple chocolate cookies."

Eden is not alone in the kitchen. Of course, this time of night she's never truly alone because she has a staff that works with her and helps get everything ready for our festivities. But tonight, Flo is standing next to her, and someone else stands beside her; someone who looks exactly like…ayounger Flo. Interesting.

“Quinny!” Flo opens her arms and gives me a big hug.

"Hi," I say cheerfully. I'm in one of my best outfits, and proud of it. I'm wearing an adorable purple jumper, and my hair is tied up in pigtails. Maybe I'm too old to wear my hair like this, but it suits me. And I love it when Adriano reaches over and pulls one of them. I have my makeup on, and the brightest red lipstick you could imagine. I grin.

"And who’s this?"

I reach my hand out to shake hers, to say hello, when I realize it isn't my hand that’s extended to shake hers that she's looking at, but the other one with the dazzling diamonds.

"This is Helena," Flo says proudly. “My niece!"

“Quinn…Quinn…” Helena says. “I know I've heard that name before!"

"Yes,” Flo says with a nervous look. "Quinn married Adriano recently.”

Helena has beautiful brown hair that's braided down her back, and wears clothes so tight they look as if someone sewed them straight onto her. Her eyes open wide, her lashes so long I know that she's got falsies.

"No. You? You married THE Adriano." My smile begins to weaken.

"Yep, that's me. How doyouknowhim?”

My gut says that I don't want to know the answer to this question. Flo discreetly shakes her head and gives me a look that corroborates this.

"And you should see her creampuffs," Flo says, completely changing the subject. Helena snaps her gum and smiles at me.
