Page 24 of Unmasked

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As I head to the bank, I have to hide the smile threatening to burst out of me. It would only startle people to see me looking happy, but inside, I’m so high I could surf clouds. My plans are working out perfectly, Garrett is about to cave, and Eli is back. What more could a vampire want?



After setting my bags in one of the spare rooms, I decide to explore the place. I almost can’t believe I’ll be living here instead of my childhood bedroom. Thank fuck. That potential reality almost kept me from coming back to Neubrook, but I was running out of money and options. Can’t say I’m sad I came back.

In the living room, I pick up a few books that are stacked on the coffee table. He has a book on architectural design, one on fashion, and another one of male nudes. I plop down on the couch and flip through the book, taking in the artfully done poses of masculine beauty. Damn, it makes me so happy for Michel that he’s out and proud now. Dealing with assholes picking on him at school because of it sucked, but it’s also how I figured out that part of that was in me too.

Until I met Michel, I never thought a guy could be attracted to another guy. Sure, on some level I knew what gay meant, but being sheltered in a small town, it felt like something only in the movies. Not real life. Until the day Michel fell into my arms, crying.

“What happened, buddy.” I tilted his face, noticing the skin on his cheek slowly turning purple and red. “Did one of them hit you?”

He shakes his head, sobbing into my chest while we sit on the locker room floor in the gym. I rub his back as rage builds deep within me. He’s been through a lot of things and never cried.

“What did they do, Michel? Tell me.”

He lifts his head, sniffing, his eyes puffy from tears. “Tou-touched me.”

I narrow my eyes. “What?”

“Called me…” He gulps for breath as I rub his back. “Said I was gay and pushed me against the wall and grabbed me. They tried to… to make me get hard.” He wipes at his eyes angrily. “Until you came in.”

“Jesus fucking…” I blow out a breath. “They touched your dick?”

He nods. “Pulled my shorts down.”

“We gotta report this. That’s assault.”

“Everything they do is assault. They’ll tell everyone, Eli. My parents will know.”

“They don’t know anything about what’s happening?”

He shakes his head, reaching up to tug at his hair, until I gently pull his hand down. “They saw me.”

“Saw you what?”

“I dropped something from my locker.”


He gazes at me with fear in his eyes. “I’m scared you’re not gonna like me anymore.”

“Don’t be dumb, Michel. I’m always gonna like you. What did you drop?”

He reaches inside his shirt and pulls out a crumpled picture. I smooth it out, seeing two naked men locked in a sensual kiss, their bodies wrapped around each other. My body heats, my stomach twisting and my cock jerking in my jeans.

“I… I think I’m gay, Eli.”

I couldn’t tell him what was happening to me at that moment. How my body reacted to the picture, or how good it felt to have him plastered against me. I wasn’t ready to process what it meant. I wouldn’t be for many more years.

That day though… I’ll never forget it. Not only did I learn something about myself, but my friendship with Michel grew to the next level. I was with him when he came out to his parents, stood up for him when kids at school teased him for being effeminate, and threw a few punches when the bullies crossed the line.

Now we have another chance. I always told myself if I ever saw Michel again, I would tell him he was my first crush. I have that opportunity now, but it’s not at all under the circumstances I imagined. Now I’m basically crashing on his couch, jobless, close to broke, and he’s… well, he’s something else. Would he think I was just using him for the money and looks he has now? Could I convince him that I liked him way back then but didn’t know how to tell him?

I blow out a breath. A problem for another day. Today’s challenge is facing my folks. After freshening up, I grab my keys and head down to my shitty car. My parents live about ten minutes from the city center, and I’m sure they’re home. They’re always home since my dad retired.

To say I’m not looking forward to this is putting it mildly. For years, I suffered under the weight of their expectations, never able to meet them. I knew I didn’t have it in me to get through medical or law school, but I tried. Now that I know so much more about my ADHD, it makes sense. Convincing them I’m smart and not an idiot is the challenge. I’m just different. I need novelty.

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