Page 27 of Unmasked

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“Yeah, but we’re both back now. That’s all that matters. I wanted to make sure you guys heard I was back from me before word spread.”

“Now that you’re back, maybe you’ll consider the career choice you should have from the start,” Dad says.

Just when I thought I was safe. “Oh yeah, because doctors and lawyers never burn out.”

“Eli,” my mom says in a tone that tells me to watch myself.

“And if you think I’m going back to college at thirty-three, then let me be clear. I’m not. In fact, I might just start working for Michel. He’s got plenty of jobs.”

Mom purses her lips. “Don’t you want more for yourself than Neubrook?”

“Maybe, but for right now, I need time to think. I can do that here.”

“What are you living on? Got savings?” Dad asks.

“I have enough,” I lie. “You don’t have to worry about me. I’m an adult and I’ll figure things out. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you weren’t happy to have me back.”

“Don’t be silly, Eli,” Mom says. “It’s just that Neubrook hasn’t had much to offer bright young people for a while now.”

“Well it will. Michel will make sure of it.” They both study my face until I squirm in my seat. “I’m gonna head out and unpack before dinner. I’ll check back in a few days.”

“Don’t be a stranger,” Mom says while my dad waves.

Once I’m outside again, I exhale. That wasn’t as bad as it could have been. It didn’t end with me yelling and slamming doors, so I’ll count it as a win.

By the time I get back to Michel’s place, the day is taking its toll. I carry a few boxes and gym bags in, leaving the rest for later. I’m sure no one would break in right in front of Michel’s building, and even if they do, they won’t get much.

I trudge down the hall to the first guest bedroom and set my things down. All I want right now is a hot shower, some cool water, and a nap. Peeling off my clothes, I toss them in the corner and enter the bathroom, stopping in the doorway for a second to take it all in. The place is straight out of a home magazine. Pristine and stylish, masculine without being overbearing. There’s another male nude over the stand-alone soaking tub, this one more visceral and raw than the one in the bedroom, but I can tell it was done by the same artist.

The man is bent over, displaying a partial view of his ass, his hand fisted around a thick erection just as cum spurts from the head, his face the very definition of pleasure.

Thinking about Michel choosing these pieces of art for his home stirs my desire. It swirls through my chest, heading straight for my cock, which twitches in response. I tear my eyes away from the artwork and turn on the shower, stepping fully inside to reach the faucet. As it heats, I return to the bedroom to dig through a bag for my toothbrush and hair gel. If we’re going out tonight, I need to clean myself up a bit, not only for Michel, but for all the residents who are bound to recognize me.

Steam billows from the bathroom, signaling that my shower is ready. I slip under the rainfall shower head and turn my back to indulge in the jets shooting from the wall. I brace my hands on the glass with my eyes closed, allowing the hot water to massage away my stress. It’s been a long-ass year.

After standing still for a few minutes, I drag my hands over my face and through my hair to clear away the water, then take advantage of the fancy bodywash Michel has in the shower nook. As I flick it open and sniff, it immediately reminds me of Michel. It smells incredible—rich and sensual, slightly floral but also smoky. It’s not quite him though. He has something else added to it. Maybe his own scent.

I wash myself slowly, enjoying every second of this luxurious experience, before rinsing off and stepping out. Once I’m wrapped in a towel so soft it should be illegal, I make my way back to the kitchen to grab some water.

I open the fridge to find it bare, and I mean, straight-out-of-the-showroom bare. There’s nothing in it. Not even a condiment. Huh. He must eat everything out. I switch to the cabinets, finding them also bare. Not a cup, or a plate, or a bowl. No mugs. Nothing. It’s as if no one lives here.

Well, okay then. I guess I’ll go old school and drink straight from the faucet. After a few gulps, I return to the bedroom, toss my towel to the side and slip under the luxurious bedding. The room is dark and cool, which makes it easy to let the exhaustion pull me under. By the time Michel gets back, I’ll be rested and ready for dinner.

* * *

Rustling in the house pulls me from sleep. I don’t know what time it is, but it’s no longer light outside. I pull myself up and check my phone. Damn. It’s almost seven. I’m about to go check with Michel, until I realize I’m butt-ass naked. Ha. Not exactly the first impression I want to make as a roommate.

I dig through another bag and find a pair of sweats and a t-shirt, throwing them on before I open my door and head to where the sound is coming from. Michel is standing in the kitchen surrounded by bags. On the island is a variety of dishes, pots and pans, and glasses.

Noticing me, he turns, smiling brightly. Damn, I haven’t seen that smile in way too long. “Did you sleep well?”

“Yeah, man. That bed is a slice of heaven.”

“I’m glad you like it. I have the same one in a larger size. It’s very comfortable.”

“Amazing. I hope you didn’t buy all this for my sake.”

Michel averts his eyes, his long, dark lashes fanning across the tops of his cheeks. “You’re my first guest here. I realized I had nothing. I don’t eat here often.”
