Page 37 of Unmasked

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My eyes shift between both men. “Council?”

“Oh shit,” Syn mutters. “You’re a new vampire, aren’t you?”

I bristle from his assertion. “I’m kind of new. Does that matter?”

“It’s not bad,” Yves answers quickly. “I bet no one’s told you about the vampire council that governs the Eastern Seaboard.”


“Well, lucky you,” Syn says, “because Yves is on the panel.”

“Yes, I’m one of the members of the council.” He pulls a card out of his back pocket and hands it to me. “This is my contact information. Should you ever need assistance of a higher level you can call me and we can bring it back to the council.”

Staring at the card, I nod. “What else should I know?”

“Well you’ve obviously been doing okay if you’re not on our radar, but the rules are, if there’s a vampire governing an area, it’s proper to check with them before initiating a hunt or a kill.”

“I see. I’m really glad to know that.”

“Why Neubrook?” Syn asks. “It’s not exactly an easy town to blend into, like a bigger city would be.”

“I came here because I grew up here and the town has fallen on some hard times. I wanted to clean it up.”

Syn grins at me, dragging his hand through his long black hair. “You know you can’t lie to us, Michel.”

Shifting in my chair, I chuckle. “Sorry. I’m so used to coming up with a story for why I came back to a place that did nothing but torment me.”

“Tell us more,” Yves says.

Nodding, I sit back in my seat. “My parents moved here from France when I was a kid. I didn’t fit in, and I was bullied relentlessly.”

Both men nod, their faces grim. “So you came back to take revenge against your bullies?” Syn asks with a grin on his face.

“Basically, yes. Does that make me a shitty vampire?”

Yves laughs. “You won’t hear us judging you. We’re assassins for a living.”

My eyes go wide. “Assassins?”

Yves nods. “We’re hired by powerful people who have big problems that they need taken care of swiftly and discreetly. In this case, a guy has been embezzling from a company for five years. He was caught a few months ago, and now he’s blackmailing the owner of the company.”

Syn rubs his hands together. “And let’s just say, if the information he has gets out, our client’s life would be ruined. Or at least really fucked up for a few years. Dude is hiding out in an empty warehouse across town on the east side by a bridge.”

“I know the area well. I do a lot of hunting there.”

“You hunt in your own town?” Yves asks. “It’s not very big here.”

“No, it’s not, but that side of town is where the homeless and many sex workers live. We get a lot of shady guys driving into town looking to take advantage of people just trying to get by, but not on my watch.”

Syn laughs. “Gods, that’s so devious. I love it.”

I smile. “There are a lot of good people here, and I feel a responsibility to use my gift for good. If I can take out a few bad guys and make the city much nicer to live in, what’s so wrong about that?”

“Nothing at all,” Yves says. “That’s basically what we do in New Onyx.”

I nod. “A much bigger city than we have here.”

They both laugh. “Just a little,” Yves says. “But hey, you’re welcome to come up to New Onyx anytime.”
