Page 39 of Unmasked

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“Wow, that’s impressive.”

“It is,” Yves says. “All your partners will think you’re a sex god.”

I shift uncomfortably as the thought of Eli ever thinking that about me fills my mind. “Anything else?”

“Yeah, here’s a big one your maker definitely should have told you,” Yves says. “When you get turned on, it’s almost the same as bloodlust. Your fangs will drop, your nails will extend, your eyes will glow. So if the person doesn’t know what you are, and most don’t, you’ve got to be careful.”

“Especially with your teeth,” Syn adds.

“Oh shit. I had no idea.”

“The desire to bite them will be intense,” Syn adds. “Like, crazy intense. If you have the gift of compulsion, you can always bite them and then make them forget.”

“I do.” I tap my fingers on the desk. “That feels kind of dishonest if it’s someone you care about though.”

Syn laughs. “Yeah. That’s not a problem I have, but I can see the dilemma.”

“Have you guys ever told a mortal person what you are?”

Both of them shake their heads. “Nope,” Yves says. “We learned by watching others that that never goes well. Very few mortals would be comfortable knowing beings like us exist. They think we’re only in the movies and books, and honestly, it’s best that way. We can hide in plain sight because they aren’t looking for us.”

“Yeah.” I think about that for a second. “Do you ever get lonely?”

“We have a big coven,” Syn answers. “You’re welcome to come out anytime and meet the rest of the guys. Even vampires need friends.”

“Well, we don’tneedthem, but we thrive with community around us,” Yves explains. “It can be isolating when you’re the only one of your kind.”

“Yes.” I smile. “This has been a very eye-opening discussion.”

“I bet,” Yves says. “We won’t keep you any longer. We’ll be in and out tonight, and you shouldn’t hear anything about it. We’re hired because we’re known for how discreet we are.”

“Thanks for the heads-up. I’ll make sure the area is kept pretty clear tonight.”

Yves and Syn stand, both offering to shake my hand again. Yves grips my shoulder.

“Again, call me anytime. I have no problem answering questions. The more successful you are, the more successful we all are as a species, so don’t hold back.”

I look down at his business card on the desk, nodding. “I really appreciate it. It’s amazing to know I’m not the only one around here.”

Syn chuckles. “Oh, you’re definitely not the only one around here. There are plenty of us on the East Coast.”

“That’s great to know.”

The guys turn to leave, but Yves pauses. “Oh, one more tip. If you have a lover and you do bite them, you can only take about a pint or two before they pass out. Anything more than that and you’re getting into the danger zone. At two liters, they die. If your lover starts to get pale or shaky, you have to stop. You really need to pay attention at first, because if you drink too much…” He drags his finger across his neck. “You gotta kill them or turn them. Got it?”

“Got it. Thank you.”

“No problem, man.”

They walk out, and I watch them say goodbye to Crystal as they exit my office and climb into a black SUV.

“Everything okay, boss?” Crystal asks.

“Oh yeah. They were interested in some business opportunities in Neubrook. I might see them again to see if there’s anything that we can work out together.”

She smiles. “Oh, good. They were kind of intense.”

“What do you mean?”
