Page 47 of Unmasked

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His brow creases for just a moment, but then it’s gone. “I haven’t come up with one yet. Hopefully, he’s a reasonable man and can be persuaded to see both sides of the coin. The last thing Neubrook needs is Garrett getting his hands on more money to lose.”

“I have no doubt you’ll get him to see your point. You’re very persuasive.”

“Thank you.” He lifts his wine to his lips, drinking slowly, and I find myself watching the way his throat moves as he swallows.

Michel is fucking hot.

“Um, Michel. I have something—” The timer buzzes on the oven, interrupting me. “Dinner is ready.”

“Do you need help?”

“Not at all.”

I hop up and pass through the dining room to the kitchen. It’s a perfect entertaining space, making it easy to feel included in the party even if you’re in the kitchen. After I pull the dish from the oven and twist around, I watch as Michel pours a vial of something into his wine. Interesting.

I walk back and set the platter down, serving Michel first. He smiles, his hands folded above his plate as he waits for me to serve myself.

“Um, sorry, but I’m curious. I saw you pour something into your wine.”

“Oh.” He chuckles. “Supplement. I have low iron. The wine masks the taste.”

“Ah. Gotcha. Sorry. It’s none of my business.”

“It’s perfectly fine, Eli.”

I try to focus on my meal, but as my nerves kick up, I find myself fidgeting with my silverware and folding and refolding my napkin so that the seams match up just right. I move on to a tiny dot of sauce that got on the tablecloth, and attempt to run it out with my finger, until I feel a warm hand on mine.

I look up abruptly to see Michel with a comforting expression on his face. “Talk to me, Eli.”

“About what?”

“Whatever you want. Whatever is bothering you right now.”

“Um…” I squeeze my eyes shut. “I was spiraling a little. Thanks for grounding me.”

“My pleasure. Anything you want to discuss?”

“Uh…” I take a sip of wine, swallowing slowly to allow its warmth to spread through my chest. “Maybe in a bit. I’m good now.”

“Okay.” He releases my hand, still holding my gaze, and I swear I could get lost in his eyes. “Sometimes,” Michel continues. “When something good happened in my life, I wished I could call you and tell you. I knew I could find you if I really wanted to, but I always held back. I convinced myself you were better off without me hanging around.”

I start to object, but Michel shakes his head to stop me.

“When I began to reinvent myself, I thought, ‘I wonder what Eli would think of me now.’” He smiles. “And here you are.” He pushes his chicken around his plate with his fork. “And I wonder, what do you think of me now, Eli?”

“I think you’re amazing, Michel, but I always thought that. I think you’re gorgeous, but I always thought that too. I think it’s impressive what you’ve done with your life, but I knew that strength was there. I saw it every day. When I had a bad day, I looked to you for courage. I think I’m better with you around me.”

Michel gazes at me with soft eyes, and just a hint of vulnerability on his handsome face.

“I’m glad we were apart for a while though,” I continue, “because I grew a lot. I learned a lot about myself. I can appreciate things I never would have if I had stayed here all along.”

“I feel the same way.”

“So here we are, Michel. What do you think of me?”

“My opinion hasn’t changed. You were and still are the best man I know. You were cute and boyish in high school. Now you’re manly and rugged. You were kind then and you still are now. You saw so much more in me than anyone else could. Even me.”

I nod, searching for the courage to tell him. “Uh, Michel. I want to tell you—” This time I’m interrupted by the startling shrill of his phone ringing.
