Page 79 of Unmasked

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We move ourselves to the door leading to the courtyard, waiting for Maren to introduce me. When I hear my name, I turn to Eli and brush a quick kiss over his lips, realizing that I’m confident showing my love for him publicly. He squeezes my hand quickly before I walk outside to join Maren.

The crowd claps enthusiastically for me, but I focus on Garrett, Ben, and Nial in the back, glaring at me. I can sense Garrett’s hostility and the tension he holds waiting for today’s announcement. If he’s a smart man, he has to have done the math by now that it affects him.

“Good morning, Neubrook,” I start, pausing as people clap again and shout greetings. Who would’ve guessed I’d ever be treated like this in this town?

“Thank you for coming out this fine morning. As Maren shared, we’re here to announce a very exciting development that is bound to bring jobs and revenue, and secure our spot as one of the best places to live on the East Coast. With that, please welcome Sean Richmond, CEO of Oscala Technologies.”

The clapping begins again as the crowd gasps with surprise. I spot Eli scooting to the front of the crowd, gazing up at me with a proud smile on his face.

Sean takes over at that point, explaining his desire to invest in Neubrook upon hearing the improvements happening, and how, when he saw the opportunity, he reached out to me to secure a place in our rebirth.

“After meeting with Michel, I knew I had to join forces with him on his vision for the former industrial park.”

Crystal pulls the fabric off the board next to Sean, revealing the sketches for the new Oscala Lofts.

The crowd oohs and ahhs, but my focus is on Garrett as the realization kicks in. His face turns bright red, the angry vein in his forehead visible from where I stand. Ben and Nial are dead silent.

“Working with Michel,” Sean continues, “we’ve created an amazing new vision for this area. We’ll have restaurants, retail, and even a few nightlife bars and clubs. It’ll be elegant, for the most sophisticated resident, and priced for local affordability.”

I notice the disapproval on a few of the older faces, those who didn’t mind Neubrook becoming a shithole, but most people seem excited.

“We’ll break ground on the first building in June,” Sean says. “Like Michel, I envision Neubrook being the best of both worlds between suburban and urban life, and with his help, I’m here to make it a place you can all be proud to call home.”

I step up to the podium at that point. “To continue that vision, I’d like to announce the revitalization plans for Main Street. With Mayor George’s help, we’ve identified ten local businesses along the strip to remodel, including our beloved Smiley’s Diner.”

The crowd goes wild with that news, silencing those that felt they’d be pushed out of the improvements.

“It’s going to be busy around here, but all for the better. Our first task at Oscala Lofts is building the model residences, and we’ll be hiring full- and part-time sales support.”

Maren steps up at that point, finishing the press conference. When I look down to find Eli, I frown when I see that he’s with his parents and there are no smiles on their faces.

I want to go to him, but my attention is pulled by Garrett and his cronies pushing through the crowd and stomping off. Garrett looks over his shoulder with a very threatening glare that would be concerning to most, but I chuckle. He has no idea who he’s up against.

After niceties with Maren and Sean, I hurry to Eli’s side. His parents study me for a moment as Eli mutters, “You guys remember Michel.”

I shake his father’s hand then kiss his mother’s. “Hello.”

“We were just suggesting lunch,” his father says. “Seems we have some catching up to do.”

I glance at Eli, but all I find there is warm acceptance. “How about Smiley’s,” he suggests.

“Fine,” his father says.

We walk as a group down the block and across the street in awkward silence. Once we’re seated, my nerves kick in. I want his family to be accepting of us. It would break my heart if they weren’t, but I still don’t sense anything negative coming from Eli.

After we order, his father folds his hands on the table. “I’ll just be the one to say it,” he begins, his face tense. “We’re pretty offended that we have to wait to find out the plans for the city like we’re strangers.”

I pull my head back as Eli sputters, “What?”

“We should have some insider privilege,” his mother says. “You’re our son.” She looks at me. “And you practically are.”

Eli chuckles. “Oh. That’s why you’re upset.”

“Is there another reason we should be?” his father asks.

“No,” we answer together.

“My apologies,” I offer. “I should have told Eli it was safe to tell you when I swore him to secrecy.”
