Page 20 of Wolf Hunter's Moon

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“Your career or your life?” Ryland growled.

“They’re one and the same.”

He shook his head. “Bullshit.”

“Says the man who works for his family’s company. Are you really gonna tell me that your life and your career are separate? That you can be one without being the other? Wasn’t that your mother, who you called earlier to get a contact?”

“You were listening to my private conversation?”

She shrugged and hoped he didn’t notice that her face flushed. “Your voice carries.”

“You’re not coming with me, Caroline. That’s final.”

“Well, then, you’re not getting all my information.”

He shrugged. “I can just get it from someone else. In case you forgot, I work for a protection agency. I can get whatever I want.”

“What can I do to change your mind?”

“Nothing,” he replied, “this story isn’t worth your life.”

“I think I should be the judge of that,” she snapped. “Youwillkeep me around. Let me help you,” she added, trying to be soft and pleading. Instead, she was hard and demanding.

He grinned as if her suggestion was amusing. As if she were a silly child asking for an ice cream sundae before dinner. “And why would I do that?”

Caroline decided to use one of his own tricks against him. She might not be as tall or as imposing, but she could try. She took another step, and Ryland tried to avoid her until he was pressed up against the wall. Caroline grinned in victory. Maybe she was scarier than she thought.

“Because,” she said, taking a step closer to him.

“You. Need. Me.”

The words were barely outof her mouth before Ryland Wolverton crushed his lips to hers.



Caroline stepped closer to him, and her scent surrounded him. There was no scotch to take away her sweet smell or the loud thumping of her heart. She was inches away from him, and all he could sense, all he could taste, was that Caroline wanted him.

She wanted him so much it madehimdizzy, only increasing his desire for her.

And then she said the very last thing he could resist.

“You. Need. Me.” There was a spark in her eyes as she spoke each word deliberately.

Ryland had never seen anything as tempting, as sexy, as downright irresistible as Caroline Knight making a stand and asserting herself.

Before he could think better of it … before he could even stop himself, he was kissing her. His hands cupped her face, tilting her head back to get full access to her mouth. His lips crushed against hers in desperation. Ryland expected Caroline to shove against him. She would be well within her rights to smack him and call the cops.

But instead of thrashing against him, she moaned and gripped the front of his shirt like a drowning woman. She parted her lips and rubbed her tongue along his. She shoved him into the wall and moaned again when their bodies pressed together.

Ryland dropped his hands from her face to grip her ass. With one squeeze of the firm globes, he brought her closer to him. His straining erection pressed into her, and she cried out.

“Oh!” she shoved away from him, her hand on her lips.

For a terrible second, Ryland thought she would brush away his kiss with vigor and disgust, but Caroline surprised him for a second time in as many minutes. She gently ran her fingers across her mouth, marveling and confused.

“What the hell was that?” she whispered.
