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“Hello, Gin…” Kara waved her hand in my face like I had spaced out. Periodically turning her head over her shoulder, like we were in the middle of some illegal event. Her feet shuffled from side to side while ringing her hands together like a nervous bride, but Kara never felt comfortable in the classier neighborhoods.

I leaned away from her erratic movements, “Whoa it’s been a long weekend…back off.” I barked.

“Oh, I bet it was…long.” She guffawed like the perverted little harlot she was. I chuckled in return, but I neglected to confirm or deny her little outburst. If I denied it, she would look down on me for my pity fuck, but if I confirmed it, she would become the huntress. Kara didn’t follow the girl code. According to her, there was no such thing, but it went both ways. Once she was done with a guy, she was through with him for good. She would willingly hand him over.

I however didn’t want to share Hunt with anyone, especially Kara. Hunt might have fucked half of Coree Harbor, but I would prefer him to stay clear of her. Our little moment, whatever it was, was ours and I wouldn’t allow her to taint it with her scheming.

“I’m starving. Can you take me home to Paps?” I asked trying, to distract her from her curiosity. She nodded and threw me a granola bar. She started the engine and pulled onto shoreline drive. It was the most beautiful drive here in Coree Harbor. The boats rocking up against the docks, the smell of the ocean wafting into the car, and the seagulls singing their signature sound relaxing every muscle in my body. This was why I came home. I wanted this feeling. Since I left it had been one disappointment after another.

The only thing that brought me joy were memories of Corree and my roadster. My bike was my freedom, I couldn’t believe that I had her running to the perfect condition. I rebuilt her all by myself.

After graduating from technical school with my mechanics’ certification and the memories of working on my dad’s bike all those years before he had left us. My dream was abundantly clear. I had to own my own shop. It had been the only thing that kept me going after losing Mom a few years back. Paps and Mary Johnson were the only family that I had left.

They were pretty amazing ones to have though. They loved me like I was their own daughter. When I called them, obviously upset about my douchebag ex cheating, they insisted that I come home and get back on my feet. Pap even offered to give that dirt bag a talking to, but I would much rather come home to them and find a place to open my shop.

The wind whipped our hair around and Kara turned on the radio, probably from my lack of conversation, but the song that came on was a good one. We stopped at a red light, waiting our turn. I felt like eyes were staring at me and I wasn’t wrong. Kara had her gaze focused on me. I turned my head and shrugged my shoulders in question when she asked, “You aren’t going soft on me now, are ya?”

I couldn’t figure out why she asked that until the wetness from my cheeks alerted me to my tears. I finally recognized what song was on. This song played religiously in my dad’s shop. I didn’t even realize that I was crying. Fuck. She turned her head in question. I had better tell her before she turned around and made me confess my undying love for Hunt.

“Sorry…” I wiped the remaining wetness from my face. “I didn’t even realize that I was doing that. My dad sang this song to me. We used to listen to it when we worked on his bike.” I replied honestly.

Her hand rested on my arm for a second before she noticed the light change to green. She had never shown emotion before, I wondered what had changed now? Maybe she had learned compassion in the years that I had been away.

Once she realized the light turned green, her led foot skidded the tires and slammed my back against the seat. I peered over at the docks again and a tall, bearded man with a Roadster which matched mine, almost identically, spoke with the dock hand. It couldn’t be him. Why would Adam follow me here? He probably blew the money. What a piece of shit, was it him?

I squinted my eyes hoping it would help me focus better, but it just blurred the image. He didn’t appear as tall. His hair seemed a bit shorter. It was probably just a figment of my imagination. This whole weekend fucked up my head.

Hunt would have to be corralled and I would have to focus on reality. I came here to work toward my dream, not have a stupid summer romance with someone who had no interest in the romance part. However, the sex part was pretty fantastic. Honestly, I was surprised that I even remembered Adam’s name since Hunt wiped away any evidence that he’d been near me. My body wouldn’t recognize another man’s attention after Hunt pleasured it into submission. I doubted I could ever forget a performance like that.

Kara turned down the long driveway to Pap’s place and my mind fluttered with memories of that Summer. Hunt and I were inseparable. We climbed half of these trees. Swam in the pond in the backyard. We hid in the brush after we set off the firecrackers in the wee morning hours, scaring Mary and Pap so badly that he ran outside with his gun. He was sure he had hooligans running about. I felt the smile creep up my face and allowed it to fade away before Kara would inquire about my thoughts any further. We were long-time friends, but there were things I would never tell her. Kara was the friend to help you forget, not to help you remember.

She parked, “Okay Chicky, what are your plans later? You want to meet me at the beach to soak up some sun and then see where the day takes us?” It sounded tempting, however I needed to shower, nap, and to work on my proposal for the bank. Pap and I were also going to plan my schedule for the next two months, he wanted to speak with me about a business proposition as well.

I would rather plan my future than waste the day away. “Wish I could. I made plans with Pap about work, he said he would help me with my business proposal to start my shop.” Her eyes widened a little and she tensed. She turned her head forward, inhaled deeply then slowly let the air leave her body.

“Well okay… I forgot all about thedream…” She used air quotes when she said the word dream and honestly, it pissed me off a little bit. Never in my life would I shit on someone else’s aspirations. However, that was Kara, I doubted that she even had a dream of her own.

I slid out of her vehicle and waved my hand, “Yeah well, it’s just me now, so I have to be the master of my own destiny.” I sputtered annoyed at her dismissal, “thanks for the ride. I’ll text you later when I’m free. Maybe we can find something fun to do.” I said, remembering that Kara didn’t have anyone either. She had been a foster child her whole life. We bonded, during my last year here. I felt abandoned by my father, just as she was abandoned her whole life.

Her half-smile and nod made it official; she forgave me. That was another good thing about Kara, she forgave quickly. I needed to keep in mind where she came from. She didn’t have a mother like I did or simple childhood memories to fall back on. Her life was full of uncertainty and doubt in the human race. I was the only friend she had that she trusted. I needed to remember that.


The water hitting my face felt good, but not as good as it felt having Ginny here the last few nights. It was nice having her in my space, even if it were only for a couple days. Now it was time to get back to business. I needed to work on my presentation for my meeting tomorrow, then head to Paps for Monday dinner. I loved Monday dinners. Mary made the best home-cooked meals. That’s why Paps was a strong, healthy man.

Paps barbeque originated from Mary’s recipe with a twist and only I know what the twist was. Paps shared it with me years ago, to prove his trust in me when no one else did. Paps no longer had a son, and the rest of his family had their own lives far away from Corree Harbor. He wanted someone to live on the legacy when he passed on. However, I doubted that Paps would be going anywhere anytime soon.

I shut off the water and opened the foggy shower door. I grasped my towel from the rack to wipe my face and it smelled like her. She must’ve used my towel last night. I inhaled deeply, basking in the memories that her scent enticed. Her long legs wrapped around my waist. Her subtle moans whispered from the back of her throat. Her little whimpers when she could no longer handle my teasing. I was lost in thoughts of her. I wanted nothing but to be with her at that moment.

I shook my head, I needed to think logically. I was in the middle of the biggest deal to make the millions I swore that I would rub in my father’s face. I had lived by that goal for the past ten years and I wouldn’t allow anything, especially a woman to get in the way. No matter how exceptional she was, I couldn’t let this go to chase her. I refused to stray from my plan.

I dressed and threw the towel in the hamper. Grabbing my laptop, I leaned back onto my bed, ready to put the final touches on the deal of a lifetime. Just a few minor touches and it would be perfect. Ginny would have to wait. My cock could stand to wait another day before finding her for some well-earned satisfaction. Maybe she would be up for some more fun.

Leaning back against my bed frame I fidgeted with my shirt. This entire room smelled of her. A long red hair rested on the pillow next to me. The indentation from her pillow evident of how she slept on her side the majority of the night.

I couldn’t concentrate.

Sitting my laptop on the nightstand I grasped hold of the sheets and freed them like a magician. I placed them in the washer and added the detergent in a race that I didn’t know that I was running. I couldn’t figure out why it plagued me like it had. Anxiety throbbed with each heartbeat in my veins. What was going on? Why did I feel like this? What was she doing to me? This was not the time to be off my game.
