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“Yes, everything is all right.” I lied.

He gently put his hand on my elbow and pulled me closer to him, “Please, talk to me.” His facial expression was a mix of frustration and worry. We have only been in our situationship for a few days, but I felt like we had been together for years. He could read me like a book, I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not.

Mary noticed us staring at each other, “You kids go have some time together, I’ll be busy making more phone calls.” She sighed while her jaw quivered so slightly.

Hunt led me outside and we sat on the porch steps like we did last night. It appeared that it was becoming our spot. He didn't waste any time, “I’m listening, tell me what’s going on.”

I pulled a strand of hair behind my ear and struggled to be honest with him, “It’s just… I don’t have anyone, but you and Mary. Mom is off with the boyfriend of the month. Kara is a traitorous whore. I don’t even know where I fit, or even what we are?”

He chuckled and I smacked his arm with the back of my hand, “Ow, easy Tiger.” He rubbed his arm as if it hurt with a smirk nestled on his perfect face. I rolled my eyes.

“We are what we are,” he said vaguely.

The answer wasn’t helping my anxiety right now. “That’s not comforting at all,” I said. Then continued, “A few days ago, I didn’t care if we were anything, today I can’t figure out what this is, so elaborate please.”

His face got serious, “Look, I don’t want us to be moving too quickly. It’s crazy how fast we have bonded. My life is hectic, I have to admit that this is not my comfort zone. Truth be told, I’ve never been in a serious relationship.”

I quickly asked in frustration, “so you don’t want to be with me?” I turned my head staring out at the land we used to play on as kids. What was I thinking? How could I have jumped in so quickly? I should’ve known better, but after last night I thought things would be different.

I felt his hand touch my cheek before he spoke, “no, that’s not what I’m saying. I do want us to be together, I just don’t know how to navigate this, I really don’t want to fuck it up.”

Relief washed over me and to be honest a little embarrassment as well. What he said was so honest that I felt overwhelmed and deliriously captivated by him. Not knowing how to reply, I asked, “Can we go for a walk?” He agreed and stood up before I finished my sentence holding his hand out for me.

We walked hand in hand, the familiarity and beauty surrounding me, helped me get my mind off the whole conversation. We enjoyed each other’s company without any words. He held my hand throughout our walk along the beach. The summer breeze felt good on my skin. The salty air blew my auburn hair around. I wanted to freeze this moment in my memory. The happiness of just being. We didn’t have a purpose or plan. We just were. It was nice.

Hunt led me to a bench that sat along the boardwalk path. We took a break and watched the waves for a while. Hunt must’ve had something on his mind because he let go of my hand and placed them both in his before he spoke, “You got me thinking about your issue yesterday with the bank, I might have a solution for you.” Hunt was smart. He had an eye for business and honestly, if he cut his father out years ago, he must be doing well to live in the apartment that he does. I feared that this may just be what I was looking for, but what was it that I needed?

A solution was just what I needed today. I would worry about the future tomorrow.


Knowing myself, I’m probably already fucking up what we have. How could I let this beautiful woman down? All she wanted to know was if we are dating. I knew in fact, I was sure that I wanted her to be mine, but my dumb ass couldn’t give her a straight answer. I mentally bitch slapped myself and trudged forward with my idea.

Last night I had a hard time focusing on her issues while she was drenched in rain, her nipples were poking through her wet shirt. How could a man listen when those little pebbles were begging for my mouth on them? I desired her more with every passing moment. I doubted that I could ever get enough of her.

After I slept on it, I had a solution to both of our problems. I thought about our conversation and unfortunately had to contact my father. Dad was always looking for a business venture that kept him local and helped build the area. Coree Harbor was a tourist town and on occasion, we had heard of the occasional bike week tours. Motorcycle enthusiasts from all over come for the festivities. They were everywhere. My father was a secret bike lover and always wished for one of his own. However, he had a reputation to uphold.

After one long conversation with my father, we had a deal, but now to try to convince Ginny to hop on board the money-making machine. “Okay hear me out.” I paused waiting for her undivided attention, so she knew this was legit. “I found a couple of investors to help with the start-up costs of your bike shop, all they ask in return is twenty percent of the profits. No upfront costs for you. After five years you have the option of buying them out of their shares at a fair price. However, if the shop is a hit, then they have the option to expand to as many cities of their choosing. There must be monthly meetings with your investors, which is non-negotiable. Trust me I tried my darndest to get out of that one, but my father wanted to negotiate time with us monthly.”

She tilted her head toward me with her eyes squinted in disbelief. “Your Dad?” she asked. Her voice was laced with guilt as she ran her hand through her hair. “You said, investors?”

“Oh yeah, well the other one is me.” I paused, giving her time to absorb what I just said. She stared at our hands intertwined together and restlessly rubbed her fingers against mine like she was contemplating running for the hills. I wouldhunther down if I had to, I wasn’t letting her go this time.

“How did this happen?” she asked in a whisper. She still hadn’t looked me in the eye, that would have to change but it was almost as if she was bracing herself for the bad news.

I inhaled deeply before spilling my guts, “a few days back, my brother Blake screwed me out of a deal that I had been working on for over eight months. It was my baby, it will definitely be lucrative. However, he messed with the wrong brother, at least one smarter than him. I contacted my father and explained what Blake had done and told him about my next venture once I talked you into going into business with me, then my father shocked the shit out of me and wanted in on the deal.”

She peered up at me from below her long lashes. “But why?”

“Well, he said that if I believed in you so much that I would invest my savings, then he wanted in on the action. Of course, he was hoping that you would hook him up with a custom ride.” I rolled my eyes, a smirk began growing on her face. “What?” I asked, unsure of why she was smiling.

“You believe in me, huh?” she joked, but I could tell that she was flattered. Ginny wasn’t impressed with the mundane compliments like you’re beautiful or sexy, she preferred real. Yes, she was the most beautiful woman that I had ever laid eyes on. Yes, I was in a constant state of arousal when she was near, but her soul captured me and locked me away in her heart. She was capable and confident. She was going to succeed. I didn’t see this was a risk whatsoever. Her talent was unmatched.

She leaned forward, as I gave her a slight nod of affirmation, she pressed her lips to mine so gently it could’ve been mistaken as a breeze. However, I knew it wasn't. I felt the spark that connected us, and it caused me to match her motion. I kissed her long and hard, tasting her sweet lips, listening to the sensual moans leave her throat. Every moment with her was magic, however, this kiss was perfect. I had to stop, otherwise, I would have her on this bench, and by the way she’s reacting, I was sure she wouldn’t fight me too hard.

A whimper left her perfectly plump mouth, slightly reddened by our kiss. “I believe in you, and I believe in us. Honestly Gin, you were the only real friend I had ever had. When you left, I was lost the entire time. Who knew it would take you coming back to hunt the real me down.”

She chuckled, “Are you being punny right now?” she asked, referencing my name. I laughed and nodded at her funny little joke and replied.
