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“And who said men don’t know how women think?”

I take a bite of the pie and nearly moan in delight. I haven’t eaten since lunch and have been working my butt off cleaning this place up.

“So, you own a hotel.”

I nod. “I suppose I do. I have a lot of work to do, though.”

“You seem like the type who gets things done. You’ve already succeeded in capturing my attention.”

“And to think my goal was to get tipsy and eat bar nuts.”

He laughs. “You have to steer clear of those nuts. I’m telling you, they’re dangerous.”

“I laugh in the face of danger!” I say, doing my best impression of Simba fromThe Lion King.

“And what do you do in the face of a man who’s been dying to kiss you since he first laid eyes on you?” He grabs my stool and slides it closer to him, positioning me between his legs. “Please don’t turn away this time. You’re killing me.”

I know I can’t avoid kissing him forever. Keeping myself in the friend zone defeats the whole purpose of making him fall in love with me. I just wanted to dig up some dirt on him. Convince myself the guy I met is not the same one who drove my sister to attempt suicide.

His lips brush against mine and my mouth parts, allowing him in. The subtle hint of sweetness from the pecan pie is on his tongue. He kisses me softly, tenderly, and I forget my agenda. Forget what I’m supposed to be doing. Forget that I despise him.

At this moment, all I want to do is this.

Why did my sister have to fall for the perfect guy?


Carly eases back, her hand still on my chest as she breaks our kiss. Can she feel my heart pounding? Is hers doing the same?

What is it about this woman that has me tied up in knots? I’ve dated a lot of women the past few years. Had my share of flings and one-night stands. Not once did it ever cross my mind to settle down. Didn’t think of that as an option.

I barely even know this woman and I’m already imagining what it would be like to wake up to her. To hold her close as I fall asleep. What the fuck is wrong with me?

“Okay, I have to know. What are your flaws?” I ask.

“My flaws? Gosh, I have tons.”

I shake my head. “I’m serious. There has to be some imperfection. I’m just struggling to find it.”

“I blow off gorgeous guys after they’ve promised to feed me.”

“Minor flaw. Can’t count that against you.”

“Fine. I snore and drool. Terribly. I highly suggest ear plugs and a raincoat.”

I laugh. “I guess that means I’m going to be spending the night,” I tease.

“You only wish you could be that lucky,” she replies, standing up. “Clearly this place is not ready for overnight guests.”

“Tell me about your plans. What do you envision this becoming?”

She seems shocked that I ask, but I’m genuinely interested. Besides, it

distracts me from what I need to do: tell her the truth about me and Candy.

“I want customers to feel like this is their home away from home. For them to have an escape but still be cozy and comfortable. For them to know that if they have nowhere to go they can always come here.”

There’s more to that statement. I can tell but don’t ask. This relationship is still too new. I won’t burden it with something that may upset her.
