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“Ladies, this is one of my fantastic friends, Michelle. These ladies arethetown gossip.”

Oh wow. Did he just say that? “Uh… hi!” I greeted awkwardly.

The blonde, leggy woman with the huge fake smile spoke up for the group. “Dante is a pain. He always thinks somebody is talking about him. So, what do you do? Are you in town visiting?”

Or maybe he was right that they were gossips.

“Ladies, she’s here for drinks and wings like everybody else. Get and go have fun. We’re in the middle of something.” He shooed the ladies away.

“I bet,” someone mumbled.

It was my turn to choke. It was my drink, though, instead of a fry.

“Told you.” Dante laughed. “I’m polite because we grew up together, but other than that, I keep my distance.”

“They’ve gossiped about you, huh?” I teased.

“Yup, and every other person in this town. Especially if you don’t give them what they want.”

“Let me guess. You turned the blonde down, didn’t you?”

“You know it. Couldn’t you smell the bleach coming from her hair and the ultra-rays coming from her pores? I’m sure you can smell the silicone in her titties, too.”

Cue more choking.

Dante laughed and popped a fry into his mouth. “I like my women with natural beauty. Something that looks good first thing in the morning before she goes in the bathroom and after. And I definitely prefer curly hair over bleached and blonde.”

His stare never wavered. He held my gaze, daring me to look away. But I had to be making it up because Dante wasn’t interested in me. He never had been. Not a single move or play toward me. He was always the friend and acted more like the big brother I never wanted than somebody interested in me romantically.

What kind of game was Dante playing? Was I willing to join in on the fun? I was here on business, nothing more. Dante was supposed to be off limits, so why was he making me rethink all of that? Old feelings didn’t need to be stirred. I’d been in love with him once and left behind. There was no need to drudge all of that up because he still looked good in jeans. I’d just go back to keeping things professional between us. No more nights out at the bar. Period.


Ipulled up to the bed-and-breakfast where Michelle was staying and surveyed the building. Most of the lights were out except for the porch and the front room. I did not know which room was hers, and she was out cold in the passenger’s seat. It was time to wake sleeping beauty so I could get her tucked in bed.

“Michelle…” I rubbed her shoulder to stir her, but she didn’t. “Michelle…”

“Hmm…” she mumbled.

“I need to get you inside, but I do not know which room is yours.”

“Sun… flower.” She said the words and rolled toward the door. What’s that supposed to mean?

I’d already gotten the keys from her before we left so that I could bring her car to her tomorrow. Still unsure of what she meant by sunflower, I exited the car, circled to her side, picked her up, and carried her inside. Her head rested on my shoulder, and though I tried, I couldn’t stop smelling her. Whatever it was, it was heavenly, and I had the pleasure of holding her against me while I indulged.

Carpeted steps silenced my boots as I climbed to the rooms. There wasn’t a number on the key, though there were ones on the door. Sunflower made little sense to—

Then, I saw it. There was a sunflower in a pot at the end of the hall underneath the window. With only one door beside it, I took a gamble. There was also a doormat in front of the door with dancing sunflowers all over it.

“Maybe you weren’t so drunk after all,” I whispered.

Adjusting her a little, I used the key to let us in. I flipped on the light to see a quaint little room. They covered the bed in a black duvet with small sunflowers on it. I pulled back the sheets and laid her down. A moment of Déjà vu hit me. We’d done this before. Actually, we’d done this plenty of times.

Almost on autopilot, I removed her shoes one at a time. I didn’t have to examine them closely to know that they were expensive. I could smell the leather, and I knew Michelle. She’d always worn nothing but the best, even if it was subtly done. She wasn’t flashy or one to flaunt how much money her father had, but if you knew her, or paid attention enough, you could see it.

Her skirt zipped down the side, and I used the opportunity to trace the curves of her hip. That was something that had changed over the years about her. When we were younger, she was smaller, with almost the physique of a track runner. Now, she had curves, the body of a woman in her prime. Not too much, and definitely not too little. Her skirt highlighted her hips and the roundness of her ass, which I’d appreciated when I came into the bar earlier tonight.

I shouldn’t have been shocked that when I’d pulled off her skirt, there was a beautiful tattoo on her thigh. There was an old-fashioned heart-shaped pocket watch with wildflowers surrounding it. It was stunning. She hadn’t had that all those years ago, and I never would have imagined that she’d have it now. It drew my eyes to her thighs, and fuck if it didn’t make me want to kiss along them. I needed to focus, but that was difficult when Michelle was wearing a garter and thigh highs, too. I exhaled all the air from my lungs slowly. Did I really have this much willpower?
