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“Not likely, but there is always that one chance someone catches a beef over something they don’t understand. I just need to know if you can handle that.” The tapping stops.

“Listen, my dad raised me to stand up for myself. I was placed in the local jujitsu academy when I was eight, and as I got older, my dad made sure I could handle every weapon that could be used around a house. Yes, I can handle that,” I say, then think to myself,the question is, after the year I had, should I want to handle that?

“Listen, I want you…for this position. I think you have what it takes to run me…uh I mean run this house. Please take a day or two to think about it. It comes with accommodations and salary. Plus, you get use of the house car and a driver to take you around,” he states, then uses the pen he was tapping to write down some information. “Here is some information. I want you to look over it all and come back in two days with your answer. Same time as your interview time today.” He folds the paper into a square and hands it to me, before standing and coming around his desk. As he reaches my chair, he offers me his hand. Looking into his eyes, I place my hand in his and slowly rise.

“What happens if I decide sooner than in two days?” I ask as he opens the door and shows me out into the hall.

“I want you to take the full two days. You need to be one hundred percent all in for this, because you will know personal information about me not many people know. Only my closest people.”

As we walk down the stairs to the front door, my mind mulls over the situations. I know I will need to talk to my mom and dad. I need to weigh the pros and cons of taking this job. Do I think I can do it? One hundred percent. I am not a pushover. But do I want to take on the responsibilities of everyone in this house?

“I will take the full two days and then meet you back here. Thank you for the opportunity, Mr. Sennetti.” I walk out of the front, down the steps, and head to my car. I know he is still watching me, because I can feel his eyes on me.

It’s better to know if I need to just pull out, then turn around and give into my desire to stare at this gorgeous man. A man that I would love to climb like a tree and make sure to lick every inch on the way down.

Pulling out of the gated community and heading toward home has me lost in thought. If I take this job, am I making my family a target? I have already lost someone important to me, and he never even made it into this world. That’s one for the maybe pros and maybe cons list.

As the car comes to a stop at a traffic light, I catch movement out of the corner of my eye. A small boy holds his mom’s hand as they go to step out onto the road. A man puts his hand on the mother’s shoulder and stops her as a cyclist speeds through the traffic into the intersection. Smiling, I know it could have been me and my Angel. I love taking care of children, well people in general, so could this job be the one I need?


Two days later…

Two fucking days.

Two fucking days wondering if I was able to convince her she needs to be here. I know what I want from her. She needs to run this house, not as my head of house, but as my queen of the house.

Seeing her eyes at her interview, I can tell deep in her soul she has felt loss. She has demons that wreak havoc on her precious mind. But she showed strength and compassion.

“Xavier, Dale Arsenault is here to see you,” Jackson says, as he pushes open the door and allows Dale to enter my office.

“You came back,” I say, meaning to think it in my head. She raises her eyebrows and tilts her head.

“Of course I came back. I applied for a position and I intend to see if I am still able to take it. I have a few questions first,” she states, walking to the chair in front of me.

“Please, let me answer anything you have.”

“First, If I take this position and something happens where I need to protect the house, will my mom and dad be protected? They are the only people I have left in this world, and I need to know if they will be safe,” she asks, reaching into her purse and grabbing a paper she had tucked away. I assume it’s the questions she needs answered.

“When you take the position, your family comes under my protection. If something were to happen, they would be first priority to get here. Just like the other staff’s family. This includes any children you have,” I say, never letting my eyes leave her face. So when she winces at the mention of children, I know she has a deep secret that I intend to find out about.

“Second, do I get health benefits?”

“Every staff on my payroll has an extensive health plan, including vision, dental, and a few miscellaneous perks.” A small smile plays on her plump lips.

“Last, if I need to take a vacation or I need days off, will they be granted with short notice or do I have the request put in months in advance?”

“Of course. I expect you to take days off. Even a week. Working here gives you freedom. I may even require you to come with me to events every now and then. So that means you will need fancy outfits.” I think of all the elite events I need to attend, smiling at the thought of how beautiful she will look on my arm.

“Okay, Mr. Sennetti. I mean Xavier. I will accept the position. I will need a day or two to pack up my belongings, but I don’t have a lot,” she says, tucking the paper back in her purse.

“We will go through all the papers I need signed, and then do a tour of the property and show you where you will be staying. Then you can report back tomorrow morning at eight a.m.” I reach across the desk and offer her my hand. She gently places it in mine and tightens her grip. I can imagine her soft hand gripping around my hard cock as she slowly strokes up and down.

Fuck, I need to get my head out of her pants until I feel that she is comfortable with me.

* * *

“Thank you, Xavier, for showing me around. The room you gave me is beautiful. It is almost as beautiful as yours. But the deep mahogany wood throughout your room makes yours that much better.” She smiles as we reach the front door.
