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Not one chick could compete with her perfect body. This was going to be a pain in my ass. Fuck that. There wasn’t going to be a woman who was going to make me try hard. No Ginny for me. That might as well turn me into a fucking monk.

A beautiful blonde walked by, she had everything I liked. Plump tits and a round ass, that swayed when she walked, yet, I couldn’t even get a little chub. This was a nightmare. I was too young to allow some chick to get in my head and take residence.

Sitting on the shoreline, I allowed the cool water to crash onto my dick to shock that fucker into remission because all the thoughts of Virginia sent the blood to flow straight there. Sadly, with all the kids running around this beach, I didn’t want to be mistaken as a creepy pedophile, but my plan was foiled the moment I turned my head to find the real Ginny stripping her jeans over her hips.

She lazily shimmied them slowly like a seductive tease begging for my attention. The jealousy I held for a pair of jeans, wishing I could feel the skin beneath the fabric sliding down her leg, was insane. I scanned half of the beach population, observing the beauty before them.

Just like in Baywatch’s slow-motion action sequences, she ran toward the water. My dick overrode my brain and decided to mimic a soldier. To disguise my embarrassment, I leaned forward with my elbows on my knees and I’m fairly sure she knew I was sitting there. Again, she wouldn’t look at me.

She dove into the waves wearing tight bikini bottoms, showing the world her delicate features. It took all the power I had in me not to follow her. She was a wild animal, and I must be cautious before she got spooked like a deer in headlights.

The only one who could get my dick hard was Virginia. It was like having a hunger that could not be sated until I got the food that I desired. It was like being offered an ice cream in a dessert of oatmeal. I couldn’t figure out why she disliked me. We had a good summer. She was the one who left and never returned or sent a letter. She left me high and dry. She and her mom started a new life far away.

Instead of pitying myself, I watched her curves bounce as she skipped over each wave, her hair flowing behind her. I decided, at that very moment, that this beautiful creature would be mine. Whether or not she wanted me. She would. I would make sure of it. I would just have to learn her ins and outs, without appearing like a stalker. I’d have to be her friend and maybe ride bitch on her bike.


The name Ginny four eyes repeated itself in my head, mentally bashing me all over again. I scoffed, shaking the seawater from my hair, knowing good and well that Hunt watched every move I made. I was not a stranger to men hitting on me, now that I had found out who I was supposed to be. My confidence actually seemed like the trait men adored the most.

No longer the meek, backward teenager, I found out exactly who I was in my sophomore year of college. My roommate Becca, a typical hard-ass, raised in a family of bikers took me under her wing and helped me gain the confidence I never knew existed inside of me.

The waves crashed against my legs. The foam bubbled against my skin, tickling my flesh. The saltwater cooled my skin after a long three-hour ride. The summer heat melted my insides, but I trudged forward to get home. Sadly, within the first five minutes back, I had to run into the one boy who crushed my heart into a million pieces.

He was just as beautiful as I had remembered. His light brown hair just long enough to run your fingers through, complimented his golden-brown skin. His contoured jawline, fully masculine and sexy twitched when he saw me. I could tell that he was a little nervous. I always found him amusing. He exuded so much confidence, but I knew his quirks. His ice-blue eyes, so beautiful and transparent, could leave any woman speechless, even me. Maybe it was because they sparkled or maybe it was the uncanny ability that they had to be able to see through to my soul.

I shook my head, peering over my shoulder to find Hunt gawking at my ass. I did my best to act unaffected by his appreciation, although every one of my nerve endings was on fire. The heat crept up my chest causing me to splash myself with the cool water. I needed to remind myself that this boy ruined me. My body ached as my younger self remembered that summer, it betrayed me every second that sexy smirk graced his face. All I saw was the memory of him giving me the most beautiful first kiss a girl could dream of, then humiliating me the very next day.

Thankfully, I wouldn’t be here long enough for his antics to get the better of me. I planned to be here for one summer to get my head on straight and then onto my new life. The last guy did me dirty and left me penniless. I wouldn’t allow another man to rule me, especially not Hunt. I was starting a new life this summer, which gave me plenty of time for my plans. I could easily fend off Hunt for a few months.I walked toward my bike when I saw that Hunt was heading in my direction.

Once I reached my bike, he asked, “How was the water?” I was sure he was attempting to make small talk, but I didn't care. The further I was from him the better. I was sure when the pretty boy went home to his mansion that Daddy paid for, then I would get my peace and quiet at Pap’s.

His crooked smile which used to floor me, gave an appearance and I felt the fluttering in my stomach. Maybe it would be harder to avoid him than I thought if he’s going to be following me, or waiting for me everywhere. Good thing he didn’t know where I’d be staying.

“Great, thanks for asking,” I answered in annoyance. I attempted to give off my ‘don’t fuck with me’ vibe, however, he seemed immune to it. There were four girls right now staring him down but he couldn’t seem to stop staring at me.

If only he would just go off and flirt with the thousands of chicks now aligning the beach, waiting for his attention. Was his new goal to torment me, once again? I was not the same Ginny from years ago, all soft and innocent. This new Ginny would rip a guy’s nuts clean off his body to prove a point.

After shimmying my jeans over my hips, I peered over my shoulder looking for the colossal pain in the ass and disappointment filled me when my heart sped up at the sight of Hunter devouring me with his eyes. The expression on his face was feral in nature. My skin pebbled, but my resolve was stronger than my libido.

I rolled my eyes dramatically, walking away while whipping my hair over my shoulder. I boarded my bike in my jeans and bikini top to allow my skin to dry and absorb a little sun. A little pale from the last two years I had spent up north, I had to get out of this sun. I pumped the clutch and gripped the throttle to bring my roadster to life.

Hunt chased after me, waving his hands in the air. There was no way I was going to fall for his ploy to get my attention. I knew his game. Hunt was what my roommate Becca and I referred to as a Douche. A jerk. A player. A fuckboy. Whatever you wanted to name a man who did what he could do to get his dick wet, then moved on to the next conquest. We could spot a fuckboy a mile away.

He was only a few steps away, but the exhaust on my Roadster rumbled loudly. That was how I liked it. The vibrations shook my body in the most pleasant way. His voice was drowned out by my bike. Before Hunt had a chance to try to meddle his way into my good graces, I kicked the Roadster into gear and sped toward Pappy’s house. I patted my pockets to search for the key he gave me. I found it in the right front pocket where Pappy slid it at the truck. I needed to find the only man who ever brought me comfort and stayed clear of the one who ruined me.

I peered in my mirror to see my childhood crush’s reflection gradually disappearing from my sight. My heart fell in remembrance of the day that he crushed me. The wall I built remained intact. There would be no way he would penetrate my defenses this time.

Today, I won the battle, but I doubted winning the war would be that easy.


Iwaved my arms around like a freaking moron at some girl who had no interest in me. What in the hell was I doing? I didn’t chase girls. They chased me. The effort I already had given her was too much for my liking.

Why was Ginny treating me like this? Was she mad at me for something? I couldn’t imagine anything that I did years ago, that could’ve possibly still affected her. I couldn’t imagine what I did to deserve this. So why did she give me the cold shoulder? Maybe she was playing hard to get. Maybe that was her way of pretending she wasn’t into me because that’s impossible. What was there not to like?

She might have had the tough chick act down, but she was still Ginny four-eyes deep down. Maybe that was how I’d play this. The friendship angle might work, if she’d ever talk to me. Her face gave her away every time. Her eyes took in every ounce of man meat I had on display, but this was too much work.

How could I get her to talk to me? Stubborn girl.
