Page 45 of Manik

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“We ain’t gotta do anything. I miss talking with you. Besides, you wanna be at the house with the way your brother was staring at Evie in that dress of hers?”

He has a point but still, I’d like a little choice in where I sleep. I had enough of being ordered around while I was in prison.

“It would be nice to not hear my brother going at it,” I petulantly mumble.

“So me thinking of you is working out for the both of us,” he says with a smirk.

“Don’t go thinking this changes anything. I’m not having sex with you tonight.”

His smirk transforms into a wide-toothed grin. “Of course not.”

I throw open my door before he can climb out and do it for me. I keep a short distance from him as we walk toward the clubhouse.

“You’ll be lucky if I don’t make you sleep on the floor,” I mutter.

“You’ll be lucky if I let you get your way,” he retorts.

He opens the door to the bar and I’m surprised to see Chaos and Olivia still up. Olivia beckons us over and Chaos hollers, “Grab yourself a drink and join us.”

Finally giving Manik my full attention, I tell him, “I’ll take a water.”

I’ve had enough to drink tonight and I need to sober up before going up to Manik’s room with him.

I join Chaos and Olivia and stumble down onto a chair, leaning down to unstrap my heels. I wouldn’t walk on this floor barefoot but my feet to breathe for a minute while I’m sat.

“How you doin’, Lex? We haven’t seen you around in a while,” Chaos says.

“I’m good. Been busy settling in. Plus, it seems I lose my ability to make good decisions when I’m here.”

I hear Manik’s snort before I see him and he takes the chair next to me. He places a bottle of water in front of me and rests his arm on the back of my chair.

“Don’t listen to her, she makes the best decisions when she’s around me.”

Olivia giggles while Chaos has the decency to try and hide his smirk as I roll my eyes.

“How come you two are still up?” I ask.

It’s after three in the morning and no one else is around.

“We got talking and the night slipped away from us,” Olivia tells me.

It must be nice to have someone to do that with… it hits me this is what Manik wants from me and that I could have it with him. We could go up to his room, lock the door and talk until the sun rises. I’d have that perfect movie moment but it’s all the moments that follow I’m concerned about.

The moments where he tells me one thing because it’s what he thinks I want to hear and then I found out he did something completely different. It’s the moments where he tells me how much cares for me and then sleeps with someone else. The moments we argue and I have to worry that it’ll be me who ends up in prison for beating the shit out of him. The uncertainty of the future is too much to handle.

I’m not Olivia or Evie. Their futures are certain. For fuck’s sake, me and Manik are just two people meant to have fun and take the edge off of life for each other. He doesn’t even live in Eastford. When he can go home, he will ride out of town and it could be years before he returns.

My mind races with all the shit I can’t control because no one controls the future and it’s like I’m back at square one. Picking up my water bottle, I unscrew the cap and drain half the contents.

I was the first woman he took a liking to when he got here, and he was the first guy I took a liking to after ten years in prison. This is nothing but sex and if I keep telling myself that, I’ll get out of this with a clear mind.


Blinking, I focus on Chaos, and he repeats himself. “I said I’m surprised Psy let Evie out to the club.”

“He knows she was safe with me. Anyway, it wouldn’t surprise me if he had someone there watching over us.”

The beer in Manik’s hand freezes midway to his mouth and I sigh.
