Page 63 of Manik

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“How about you get out today, we could go for lunch or dinner?”

“Maybe tomorrow. I need to write. I’m so close to the end.”

Knowing better than to argue with her, I mumble out, “Okay.”

Kissing her on the cheek, I say, “I’ll head to the club for a while. Call me if you need anything.”

“Will do,” she says, not looking at me.

Before I leave, I make sure she has everything she needs to hand in and proceed to the club. A part of me can’t work out what’s worse, not knowing where she is or having her near but still far from me.

Psycho is sitting outside the bar when I arrive and though he appears like his mind is a million miles away, I know he’s still acutely aware of everything going on around him. To prove so, as I park and walk over to him, he grunts, “Got a name yet?”

I sit beside him on the bench and light a cigarette. “I barely get more than a few words from her, none of them a name.”

“Is she still writing that damn book?”

“She doesn’t stop. I don’t know what to do. The last thing I want to do is push her but it’s all I want to fucking do, brother.”

“I get it. Evie’s taking Rosie over this afternoon, she said she’ll try to talk to her.”

I suck on the cigarette, and it burns down as I take a long, hard drag. “She’ll be wasting her breath. I can see it in her eyes, she’s not gonna tell us who took her.”

“I’m losing my fucking mind not knowing who and why. I went back and watched Matt and Beth’s family members but none of them are acting any different. Whoever dumped her by the train tracks, they would’ve heard by now she’s alive. You’d think they’d be concerned about us coming for them.”

Taking one last drag on the cigarette, I toss it in the bucket of butts and exhale the smoke up into the air.

“All I know is I can’t let it go, not until someone’s paid the ultimate price.”

He turns to me, and a shudder runs down my spine when he smirks.

“Brother, you’ve got to maintain a little patience. There'll be a day we get our hands on the motherfucker who hurt her. Don’t doubt it.”

Dodge and Atley stroll out of the bar and Dodge tips his chin when he sees me.

“I’ll catch up with you later. If Evie manages to get anything out of her, let me know.”

At this point, I don’t give a shit if she speaks to me or not, as long as she speaks to someone.

“Will do.”

Dodge and Atley hang back, and I walk over and join them.

“How’s your old lady?”

I keep that she’s not officially my old lady to myself and say, “She’s getting stronger every day. Look, I haven’t thanked you for coming down to help. It means a lot to me that you’re here.”

“Of course, brother,” Atley says.

Dodge nods and adds, “We’re gonna be leaving soon. I’m glad we weren’t needed in the end.”

They both stare at me and it makes me uneasy.

“What?” I grunt.

“You’ve already transferred but I’ll ask you one last time after recent events. Do you want to come home? You can bring Lexi, it might be the new start she needs?”

I don’t need to think about it. “She’s my home and this town is hers. I’ll miss you fuckers, but I need to be here.”
