Page 25 of Doctor Dilemma

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“So if we were just neighbors and I kissed you now,” I said, “you’d kiss back.”

“If you weren’t my doctor, I’d very much want you to kiss me.”

“But I am, so we shouldn’t.”

“Definitely not.”

That’s when I couldn’t take it anymore, and I kissed her. And she kissed back. And, before we knew it, I was on top of her and rubbing against her through her clothes as she breathed into my ear while I gave her neck the softest of kisses.

“Oh, Dr. Maxwell,” she said right into my ear, and I had to stop for just a second, biting my tongue to keep myself from laughing.

“We shouldn’t be doing this,” I said, stopping her.

“I know,” she told me. “But maybe we just need to get it out of our system.”

It was possible. It made no sense, but it was possible. “Maybe. But only once and never again. And you need to call me Leo.”

“Okay,” she said. “Leo.”


“We probably shouldn’t, though,” she said.

“Probably,” I told her. “It’s extremely unprofessional. I could get fired.”

“Yeah,” she said. “I don’t want to get you in trouble. Let’s stop.”

We stared at each other for a moment, waiting to see who was going to take the active step in ending things, either by me rolling off of her or her pushing me aside, but neither of us did.

Because neither of us wanted to.

So I just kissed her again and she kissed me back.

Even if we stopped, we’d gotten far enough that we were still going to regret it in the morning. I figured we might as well make the best of it.



The thing about Leo was he was so much better in person than he was in fantasy. And he was amazing in fantasy. Mindblowingly amazing. I mean, I'd had some of the most intense orgasms of my life just thinking about him. But, when you were in his presence, feeling the glow of his sexy aura, it was even more intense because he was that good.

He had complete control over me and my body and, though I was filled with the fire of yearning and it was almost painful how much I wanted him, I was also completely relaxed, feeling at ease and knowing I was in excellent hands. It was effectively his job to know my body inside and out.

So I let my mind ask itself why. What exactly was I waiting for? It was true I hadn't known Leo that long, but sometimes you just know, and that’s all there is to it. I’d heard stories about love at first sight and read them in my spare time, but never felt it. Not like the way people described it. With the way my heart was beating though, and the way my body was aching for him, I wondered if it wasn’t what I was feeling now.

But it made no sense. I’d just met him. I barely knew him.

And yet, when you know, you know. This was my one night stand opportunity and I was taking it. Even if this was just lust at first sight. I. DID. NOT. CARE.

Part of it was that I wasn't as young as I once was. Maybe it made sense to hold onto my virginity when I was 19 or 20, but now as I was getting older, it seemed almost quaint and maybe even silly, especially since I was working on having a baby. I might as well go through the entire process.

And, if this was the only time we were doing this, as he’d promised, now might be my only chance with a man who gave me even an ounce of pleasure. I’m doing it.

But Leo was exercising caution, probably afraid of me reacting the same way that I had the night before. Who could blame him? I might need to help him out a bit.

His hand caressed my breast with a tender touch as his mouth gave me the sweetest kisses that, nonetheless, had an immeasurable amount of passion behind them. It felt like the way a concert pianist might rattle off a little ditty in the higher register. Soft, light, pretty, but more than enough to send a shiver down my spine.

As we continued, there was no question in my mind: Tonight would be the night. After a lifetime of holding onto something, waiting for the perfect man, whom I would love with all my heart, I realized it was a waste of time. Just find a man who got your motor running and seemed to want you almost as much as you wanted him. When you can’t find love, then you might as well settle for lust.
