Page 5 of Doctor Dilemma

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“Your hymen is intact,” I said. It was an observation, and I felt guilty for pointing it out almost immediately.

“Oh yes,” she said. “I’m… err… I’m a virgin.”

It was the doctor’s job to remain impartial and not judge. There certainly wasn’t anything wrong with it, but it was highly unusual for a woman to make it into her 30s without ever having had intercourse.

“Dr. Edwards said that shouldn’t be a problem.”

“It won’t be,” I said. I looked at her to read her expression to see if an apology was in order, but she was smiling. The best thing to do would just be to ignore it and move on.

“Everything here looks good, Ms. Saunders,” I said.

“Thank you, Dr. Maxwell.”

“So long as you’re continuing with the hormone injections, we should be able to schedule the uterine implantation fairly quickly and, if all goes well, you’ll be pregnant.”

“Oh, thank you, Doctor!” she leaned forward and hugged me out of excitement before realizing where she was and who we were. Her nipples were as hard as diamonds against my chest.

“Sorry,” she said nervously. “I’m just really excited and —well—really cold.”

“Glad to hear it,” I said, trying to get my mind off her nipples. I was ten minutes over on our appointment and I needed to get out of there. “Please contact the office via the online portal if you have any questions. We’ll follow-up about scheduling the implantation.”

She looked like she was about to say something, but I knew if I let her, it would only pull me further behind schedule.

“Go ahead and get dressed,” I said, then remembered bedside manner. “And have a wonderful day.”



When Dr. Maxwell put his hands on me, I realized how long it had been since another human had touched me. Or at least touched me like that. Of course there were handshakes at work when I met new team members or people from other offices introduced themselves, and even hugs with some close friends, but it had been forever since someone — specifically a man — touched me.

Yes, it was clinical and yes, he wore a pair of latex gloves so there was no skin on skin contact, and yes, he was an absolute grump, but that didn't change the fact that it sent a thrill through my whole body and reminded me what it was like to be human.

And, to be honest, I hated it.

I hated how good it made me feel and how much power it had over me. Because, as much as I wanted to completely swear off men, I couldn’t shake the fact that I was a closet romantic, and, to my dying day, I would still be waiting for a decent man. Even though I knew — absolutely knew beyond a shadow of a doubt — that such a man could not exist... right? Or…. did he just walk into my life and stick his hand in my hoo-ha?

Humans were the only animals to be blessed with logical minds, but the second love or sex came into play, all that logic fell out the window. Because why should that man make me feel so good? I didn't know the first thing about Dr. Maxwell, other than his sharp jawline. And his toned muscles that I even noticed through his white coat. Yes, those were important things, but they weren’tthatimportant. Yes, I was a virgin, but not because I was wanting to be, it had just never happened. I was never turned on enough by a real man to ever get to that point. I always thought maybe I should just get it over with, but I just couldn’t bring myself to find even a one night stand to do the job.

Dr. Maxwell sure did look on paper like someone who could. But, did we have anything in common, or could he hold a conversation? Who knew? He seemed short with me and kind of assholish, but my body didn't care about that. As I went home, I was thankful that I'd be having this baby alone and not have to worry about the interference of a man who could leave me at a moment's notice and fall through at the most inopportune times. No, that wasn't going to be how it was for me.

For other people, sure. In fact, that was what I was basing my career on. As the project manager of a dating app, my quarterly bonuses were dependent on those love hormones rushing through our bodies. If people didn’t match and hook up, or at least have a desire to do so, there’d be no swiping and no ad revenue, and certainly no $50 monthly fee to use our Matchmaker Plus service.

And that was how most people would be making the babies that would carry on into future generations and, eventually, make even more babies to ensure that humankind lasted forever into the future.

It was a wonderful thing for us as a whole. Just not a wonderful thing for me and my life.

I pulled into my building parking lot and climbed up the steps into my apartment, smiling to myself as my watch vibrated to alert me that I’d met my step count for the day. The hallway was filled with the smell of something delicious that somebody was cooking. There was a meat sauce involved and, I could only assume, some pasta. Coming home, the last thing I ever wanted to do was cook something, so I was keeping my fingers crossed that the smell was coming in through my neighboring apartment. That was where Kiefer lived and, whenever he cooked — which was reasonably often — it was always delicious.

Sure enough, my nose correctly sourced the origin of the aroma and after I put down my purse, I immediately knocked on Kiefer’s door.

He opened up his door with a smile. “Hello, Mila,” he said.

“Please tell me you made enough of that for me, too,” I said.

“Of course,” he said. “A full lasagna, more than enough for the two of us. You should even be able to take home leftovers.”

He waved me in.
