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Chao’s lips stretch into a full smirk. “You are not going to like what I have to say, Mr. O’Connor. In fact, you might be tempted to punch me when I am done, so I suggest we go somewhere quieter.”

Someone grabs me from behind and drags me off. We descended further into the house where I am shoved into a damp and empty room with a single window a few feet off the ground.

Chao steps in behind me and the door slams shut behind him. I wheel around to face him and curl my hands into fists.

“If I wanted to kill you, there are easier ways,” Chao points out. “And you are Isaiah Gallagher’s lapdog. Even if you are here to betray him, I don’t think he’d appreciate me being the one to kill you.”

I stare at him. “Why am I in here?”

“He has spies everywhere.”

My eyebrows draw together. “Who does?”

Chao gives me a knowing look.

I breathe. “Governor Coombes.”

I feel like I’m going to be sick.

“I knew you were going to figure it out sooner or later. He is not a man you want to fuck with.”

* * *

“Cory,I need you to find Pierce,” I bark, balancing the phone between my head and shoulder. I know Isaiah probably has the phones tapped, and I know he’s fucking tracking us, but I don’t care.

Nothing fucking matters more than getting back to the compound I’ve been desperate to get out of.

Evie needs me, and that’s all I can think about.

I slide into the car and turn the keys in the ignition. After some resistance, it comes to life with a roar, and I peel away. “This all goes back to Governor Coombes. I’ll explain more when I’m back.”

“You should’ve been back here by now. We can’t cover for you anymore, and if they notice you’re gone then—”

“They won’t. Listen to me, the two of you need to stay with Evie and make sure she’s safe. Keep your phone close.”

After ending the call, I toss my phone onto the seat next to me and press harder on the gas. The closer I get to the compound, the harder my heart races until a car emerges out of nowhere. I slam on the brakes, but the car doesn’t stop and instead swerves out of control, spinning around and around in circles until it smashes into a tree.

My head spins as I reach for the phone and dial Cory. I attempt to drag myself out from the wreckage and ignore the spots dancing in my field of vision.

The last thing I see before I black out is Evie’s face looming over me.


“Are you sure you should be out running? Shouldn’t you be taking it easy or something?”

Shane casts a glance in my direction and shakes his head. “I’m fine.”

“You were pretty banged up last night.”

“Yeah, I remember this really hot chick nursing my wounds.”

I toss him a dirty look over my shoulders. “So I’m a cliché now?”

Shane smirks. “Let me enjoy my fantasy. How did you sneak out yesterday by the way?”

“Felix and Cory created a distraction, and Riley helped me get to you.”

“You should’ve left when you had the chance.”
