Page 105 of Ned

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Ned pulled out and drove around back, behind the building, to the containment area.

No security, which felt eerie. A massive metal rolldown door was secured at the bottom. He affixed his earpiece.

“Any movement?”

“Nothing. Bright sunny day. Hurry up.”

He got out, opened the back of the wagon, lifted the flooring, and pulled out a pair of bolt cutters. Then he snapped the two locks securing the door and raised it.

No dogs, no soldiers with AK-47s…yeah, something definitely felt off, and it sorta needled him as he walked inside.

Apparently, NATO and the US Military weren’t the only ones using this facility. Along the walls, in protective 91 CASTOR or TN85 metal containers were hundreds, maybe thousands of waste products, from radioactive sludge to scrap metal to fuel elements to reprocessed waste.

Yeah, there should definitely be more security running around here.

He shoved it to the back of his brain and went hunting.

He found the three suitcases with the caesium sitting in a temporary intake area near the back of the massive building, probably where the team had dropped it off.

Just to be sure, he opened up one of the cases. He’d helped pack them, so he used the code he’d locked it with and, bingo, the case opened.

Inside sat the metal containers of caesium-137, enough product to infect a small nation.

Then he took out his phone and slipped it into the case, behind the padding.

He closed the case and loaded them onto a wooden flatbed, then headed toward the entrance, the daylight like a beacon.

Just load it in, cover it up with the blanket he’d taken from the Airbnb—they could keep his cleaning deposit—and then drive away. Through the gate, to the airport. Deliver the goods.

Get on a plane.

Find Shae.

Live happily ever after.

Yeah, big denial. But he was buying in because that was all he had.

He pushed the flatbed out to the wagon. Still no guards.

He loaded the suitcases into the back seat, then covered them with the blanket.

Yeah, like that wasn’t obvious.

And yet, still no guards.

He pulled down the door, then stowed the bolt cutters.

Then he got into the front seat. “Package acquired,” he said into his coms.

“A few cars arriving. Hold.”

Ned put the car into drive and slowly moved around the building, away from the container. He parked next to a waste container and watched as said cars pulled in and parked.

“All clear.”

He drove around to the front, then up to the entrance. Raised his hand to the guard and offered a smile.

The guard buzzed him through, and the gate opened.
