Page 127 of Ned

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A beat, and Shae tried to assimilate the words.

“A hit? Like a contract? On herlife? Why?”

“Mm-hmm. And she’s not sure. She has some theories, but biggest issue is that they left for Santorini a couple days ago and she hasn’t heard from them. They didn’t check in at the resort Hudson had booked.”

“They’re together?”

Who’s Hudson? Shae mouthed. Ned held up his hand.

“Apparently, he took to heart my words to keep her safe. So they’re probably fine, but…Mom’s worried, and that’s without knowing about the contract. So I think…we need to track her down.”

Ned looked at Shae.

She just nodded.

“Okay, I’m on a flight home.”

“Thanks. I’m sorry to cut short…whatever you’re doing out there in Montana.”

“See you soon, Fraser,” Shae said, just before Ned ended the call.

He looked at her.

“You don’t seriously think that I’d let you go without me?”

His expression morphed into a sigh, then a smile. “I guess it’s one way to keep you out of trouble.”

She stepped up to him, wrapped her arms around his neck and met his gaze. “You wish, sailor. You wish.” And then she kissed him. Because their happily-ever-after was just beginning.

What Happens Next

“I could stay here forever.” Iris sat on the back of a beautiful two-cabin, forty-six-foot single-hull Beneteau sailboat, her feet up on the bench, holding herself up on her outstretched arms. Her face lifted to the warm wind skimming off the glorious blue Aegean Sea.

Hudson sat behind her at one of the twin helms of the big boat, one hand on the wheel, his gaze behind his Ray-Bans on the tall sail, the scattering of islands around them. He wore a linen shirt, a pair of white shorts, and over the past two days had developed a milky brown tan. The sun also managed to lift all the highlights from his dark-blond hair, and it only deepened the blue of his eyes.

What was she doing here? With Adonis?

Hiding. She probably shouldn’t forget that part.

“Me too,” Hudson said, and when she looked over, his gaze was on her. “I don’t think I’ve slept so well as I have the last two days.”

“Right? There’s something about the gentle list of the boat, the waves and the sound of the ocean… How’s the headache?”


“Still upset about losing your rental?”

“Not even a little.” He grinned at her, his teeth shiny, the wind pressing the shirt against his toned body. “Best idea ever—renting the boat. Good call.”

“I just said it looked like fun. I didn’t expect you to decide to cancel your reservation and sail away into the blue.”

“Seemed like exactly the right move if we really mean to hide.”

“You could have chef’s prepared fresh catch of the day. Whatever that is.”

“I liked the plantain and rice dish you made last night. You’re a great cook.”

She didn’t know why that warmed her through. Maybe it was the sunshine, the unwinding of the stress of the past, well, three years, really.
