Page 22 of Ned

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The couple ran up to him, grabbed him by the shoulders. Then the woman screamed and took off, the man hesitating, then running also.


The man in the red slicker gripped the railing and got up, and that’s when the man with the umbrella ran back. Leaned down, trying to help him.

Red Slicker Man hit him. It barely fazed Umbrella Man, who slammed his umbrella, point first, into Red Slicker.

He grunted, hit his knees—

And then Umbrella Man wrapped his arm under Red Slicker’s chin and held on.

Hudson had watched enough movies to recognize a sleeper hold.

No. Not on his watch.


His word was eaten by the wind and rain, but he didn’t need it. He took off running, full speed, putting his entire body behind the tackle, and took out the man at a full run.

They landed on the pavement, and he rolled off, back to his feet.

Umbrella Man had rolled over, was scrambling away on all fours.

Not so fast. Hudson grabbed him up, spun him, and slammed his knee into the man’s gut. He grunted, then pushed Hudson away.

Stood up.

Hudson rebounded fast and sent his fist into the man’s—

Oh no. Umbrella’s hood had fallen off and—so,nota man.

He pulled back, but not before the woman turned, then just like that went over the edge.

“No!” Hudson ran to the railing just in time to see her splash. Then the river ate her, the wind and rain and current dragging her away.

Wait. Had he justkilled a woman?

Maybe she’d jumped?

He ran to the other side, hoping to spot her, but nothing.

A grunt, and he turned to see Red Slicker Man had pushed himself to a sitting position, his hands pressed to his gut. Blood poured out between his fingers. Another wound—this time across his chest, also ran with blood. It pooled out onto the bridge, washed by the rain.

“Okay, okay, just—don’t move.” Hudson ran over to him. “Just stay put. I’ll get help—”

“No help.”

Right. Because help would raise questions.

“It’s not deep,” Slicker said. “I stopped it before it could puncture anything major. I think. I hope. And the other is a flesh wound.”

Hudson didn’t know why the sound of the American voice surprised him. It held a hint of a twang though, as if the guy might be part cowboy, or maybe a little country.

Now he knelt in front of him, and the man looked up. His hood fell back.

Blue eyes. Light brown hair, from what he could tell, and yes, a thin beard. “Have you visited the Prague Castle?” Slicker asked, mostly a grunt.

“Yes. Don’t forget to climb the tower.” Hudson took a breath. “I have the package, but I can’t leave you out here.”
