Page 14 of Boss's Fake Wife

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Still, the touch made me shiver.

“Have you always been this…tough?” he asked next, running his finger down my neck. I swallowed and felt goosebumps break out over my skin. “I don’t remember you being like that ten years ago.”

“I was young then,” I said, trying to keep my voice from shaking. “You didn’t really know me at all, did you?”

My tone was sharp, and his eyes flashed. A part of my mind was telling me it was stupid to piss off the man who could kill me. But his touch was scrambling my brain and making me feel all sorts of things I didn’t want to be feeling. I just couldn’t resist pushing back.

“Did you ever come back to visit your father after that?” he asked.

“No,” I said.

“Did you speak on the phone?”

“A few times.” I could count on two hands how many times my father had called me and on one hand how many times I’d answered. But then, the one time I’d needed him and called him back, he couldn’t be bothered to pick up. “Why are you asking me this?”

“No reason,” he said, and his finger tipped my chin up. His lips came closer until his breath whispered across my lip. A treacherous lust flooded through my body, and my eyes dropped to his lips, admiring the lower lip and the way it curved into a smirk. “I’m just curious what your relationship with your father was like.”

It took me a while to descramble my brain and realize what he said. And then I understood what was going on.

He was mocking me.

The second I realized it, a surge of anger hit me, taking over my good sense enough for me to mock back.

“Why? Are you missing your best friend all of a sudden?”

His lips tightened, but he didn’t say anything. “You think your father was my best friend?”

“Was he not?” I asked. “You were the only friend he ever introduced me to, so I would say that makes you the best one. Would I be wrong?”

“We were more business partners than real friends,” Chris said, looking thoughtful for a minute.

“What kind of business?” I probed. If he wanted to find out secrets about me, then I could find out secrets about him too.

“A business that a young woman like you should know nothing about.”

Which probably meant crime.

I took a bold step closer, bringing my lips even nearer and lightly brushing them against his. My heart screamed, and my mind shut down, but I managed to say in a rational tone, “You have no idea what a woman like me knows about.”

His eyes flashed with fire, and it blazed so bright that I could just about feel it scorch me. His jaw tensed, and I thought he would grab me then. I wanted him to grab me. The fire in his eyes was echoing in my chest, traveling even lower. I could feel my pussy twinge just from the look alone, but I forced myself to step back. My heart was racing, my voice stammering a little when I said, “Would that be all, sir?”

His eyes flared again, lips pressing tight. And he hesitated for a second before saying, “Yeah, that would be all.”

After I went home, I replayed the scene in my head. Why had he called me into his office? I knew it wasn’t simply to reminisce or to check on me, as he said. There was something he wanted to find out from me. But if he suspected me, I would be dead already, wouldn’t I?

I needed to figure it out. And fast, before I lost my entire damn mind.



I took in deep breaths through my nose, clenching my fists to keep me still.

To keep me from reaching for her as she headed to the door. I knew what would happen if I did. I’d shut the door right back, press her against it, and drive my hands up her skirt. I’d take her lips in a savage kiss, and I wouldn’t stop searching until I felt her wet heat against my fingers.

Fuck, I wanted to feel it so bad…the wetness I could sense was building between her thighs. When she’d stepped close to me, challenging me, I could practically smell the desire coming off her, feel it trembling in the air. And it had taken everything for me not to take her up on her dare.

No other woman had ever stepped up to me like that. I was a scary motherfucker…someone people had cowed before.
