Page 28 of Boss's Fake Wife

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I couldn’t ascertain much about Emily’s personality from her home since the woman didn’t so much as keep a damn journal. But I would bet her entire life was on her phone. She didn’t keep an extra phone at her house either, so this was probably the phone she contacted the police with too. Rookie mistake.

She should have had another phone.

And better yet, she never should have brought this phone into my domain in the first place, but she probably thought she should keep it on her at all times since that was what the damn cops told her to do. Morons.

Then again, cops weren’t exactly known for being particularly clever, were they? If they were, they would have caught me already. And they wouldn’t have sent a little slip of a girl to spy on me.

It almost worked, though, my mind said, but I brushed it aside. Almost wasn’t good enough.

After I downloaded the spyware my personal hacker gave me, it was easy to bypass the password and whatever they used to encrypt her messages. I scanned upward for a few minutes, ascertaining the nature of her mission.

Well, I was wrong about her motives, at least. She wasn’t in this because she wanted her record expunged, at least not just that, anyway.

She was here because she had pissed off some very dangerous men, so the cops were making her do this in return for her protection.

Fucking bastards.

It was their job to protect people like her—innocents. They should have kept her safe and destroyed whichever asshole was after her.

But instead, they were making her do this and holding the threat over her head like an anvil.

I shook my head, disgusted. But then I remembered she wasn’t exactly innocent either. She had stolen and lied for most of her life. I didn’t judge her for it, but it meant she was probably very useful to the police in that aspect.

Very useful to me too.

Except I would definitely keep her safe in return. And destroy anyone who came after her.

Even if I was a bastard criminal.

I didn’t examine the feelings of extreme anger that swept through me at the thought of some bastards being after her. Instead, I called my PI and asked,“Who the fuck are the Moranos?”

Ansel, the walking encyclopedia, answered without skipping a beat, “A small crime ring in New York. Usually, they run insurance scams and such. Some time ago, they scammed a small bank out of one million dollars and got away with it. Till this day, no one knew how they did it.”

Emily was a part of that. I knew it. I witnessed her exceptional lockpicking skills myself. There was no reason to think her talents didn’t extend to scamming.

Smart girl.

“Rumors had it that they had someone on the police force helping them get away with their crimes.”

“Seriously?” My interest perked up.

“Yeah. Pretty sure they have a guy on the inside.”

“Can you get evidence of that?”

“Probably. If I looked hard enough,” Ansel replied.

I checked my watch, figuring she might be close to the town borders by now. “You have ten minutes.”

“I can do it in eight,” he responded and then hung up.

And wouldn’t you know it? Eight minutes later, as I was on my way to meet her, Ansel gave me everything I needed to trap the little bird.



As I rushed out of Chris’ office, I almost expected him to yank me back.
