Page 56 of Boss's Fake Wife

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At the same time, it was hard to stop wanting her.

I might have had a lot on my mind as I was walking home, but I wasn’t too lost in my thoughts to not notice the prickle behind my neck. I spun around and quickly scanned the street, trying to note anything unusual about any of the people on the sidewalk. None of them paid particular attention to me apart from a few chosen glances, and none of them seemed familiar either.

But I knew from instinct that someone was watching me.

I could feel it in my gut, and I’d learned to trust my gut a long time ago.

As I stood there analyzing the streets and every person, I noticed the feeling begin to fade. But it never fully left. I turned back and walked faster, wandering into an alley and hoping whoever it was would follow me in there.

I waited for nearly ten minutes.

But they didn’t show.

Disappointed, I got out of the alley and continued on my way home, thinking back to how my Mustang brakes failed. It wasn’t uncommon for that model, but that didn’t mean it was a coincidence, either.

I quickly called Ferro.

“I think someone might have tampered with my brakes,” I told him. Check it out.”

“Roger,” he answered, and I hung up.

But then everything kicked up a notch when I got home to find my front door unlocked. Alarm sprung through me again, and I listened closely to see if I could hear anything that would give away the culprit.

And then I heard a whispered, muffled sound of a struggle. I kept my cool as I silently swept in.

But nothing could have prepared me for what I saw.

My brother had a gun in his hand, and it was pressed against Emily’s forehead. His hand was slapped over her mouth, and his angry eyes were glaring down at her, his finger poised on the trigger.

I lost my mind.

A savage sound escaped me, and I moved on pure instinct. My brother turned around in time to absorb the full blow I leveled at him, sending him flying to the floor. But not satisfied with that, I got on top of him and hit him again and again.

Emily was screaming in the background, and then she hurried over and grabbed my hand to stop me.

“Wait,” she exclaimed. But the second of hesitation was enough for Chase to punch me to get me off him.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Chase bellowed from the floor, his nose broken and the skin around his eyes turning a nasty purple color.

“I could ask you the same thing,” I growled, still wanting to deck him. But somehow, seeing that the gun was no longer against Emily’s head gave me the clear mind I needed to take a step back and just breathe.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, coming in here and pointing a gun at someone in my house?”

“What the fuck?” He gestured at Emily. “You know this woman?”

“She’s my—”

“Secretary,” she interrupted. “I’m his secretary.”

A very good save because, in my current state of mind, I was about to reveal our relationship.

I didn’t want my brother to know I was married yet. Not until most of my plan was already underway.

“And live-in maid,” she said with a roll of eyes and a laugh as if everything was fine and we were all simply catching up. “That was what I was trying to explain to you.”

“She was in your office,” he said, still watching her with untrusting eyes. “I caught her snooping. She was looking for something.”

“Because I told her to find a document for me,” I said. “Do you think I would leave her all alone in my house if I didn’t trust her?”
