Page 58 of Boss's Fake Wife

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“Are you going to try and pretend like you weren’t flirting with my brother back there?”

“Flirting?” I nearly burst out into laughter until I saw he was entirely serious. “Are you kidding me?”

“No. Laughing at all his jokes, praising him for the dumbest shit…” He shook his head as his smile disappeared. “What do you call that then?”

“Making friends with the enemy,” I said. “Or would you rather I was hostile to him and start raising his suspicions about who I actually am? Did you want me to say, ‘Oh, I’m sorry, I can’t laugh at your jokes because my husband will get jealous. Oh, and by the way, my husband is your brother.’ Is that what you wanted? For me to blow this whole thing?”

His eyes tracked down my face to my lips as I spoke, and I had the craziest idea that he wanted to take a bite out of it. “So you’re saying that you were not attracted to him?”

“No, I wasn’t,” I bit back. I could admit that Chase was an attractive man, and to be honest, he was nothing like I expected. I thought Chris’ brother would be some slimy old crime lord dripping with evil, not the amiable man that had affection for his brother—enough to want to kill someone he thought would threaten him.

And he had his own charm as well when he wasn’t trying to shoot me in the head. From what he’d told me, they both lived a difficult life, and he was someone I could genuinely see myself liking under different circumstances.

That was if I wasn’t already completely enamored with his brother.

Even with Chris being a bastard to me right now, I still had a craving for him, one like you wouldn’t believe. And some part of me welcomed this fight and wanted it to lead somewhere different. I wanted our emotions to completely overwhelm us until we were yelling and kissing and tearing each other’s clothes off and having wild monkey sex on the floor.

I wanted release, even if it was just to hate fuck each other out of our system.

I was tired of this stalemate, tired of living with this aching desire every day that felt like I was simply going to lose my mind any day now.

“You’re lying,” Chris said as I stepped closer. His whisper was seductive, crawling into the darkest part of me and setting it aflame.

“No, I’m not,” I responded. “But if I am, what about it? I’m not yours, and there’s nothing that says I have to remain loyal to you.”

A flash of temper flashed across his eyes, pure blazing heat. Good. I wanted to stoke it.

“I’m sure you’ve been having fun, haven’t you? Maybe even with the waitress?” My anger flared when I remembered the way he had flirted with the girl in front of my face. “You two sure seemed friendly when we were at the restaurant. Is that where you’ve been disappearing every time you claimed to have work?”

He smirked in my face. “Jealous?”

Yes, but that wasn’t the point. “What about you? Are you jealous of your brother? Because I may not have wanted him today, but he sure wanted me.”

I knew interest when I saw it, and I had seen hints of it in Chase’s eyes and words. I knew if I propositioned him, he wouldn’t have said no. Unfortunately, I didn’t want him. My body only wanted his brother.

“You’re not his,” Chris growled harshly. “You’re mine.”

“Prove it,” I whispered back, my heart pounding in my throat.Take me. Prove to me that I’m yours.

But then, Chris shook his head and took a step back.

“Whatever,” he scoffed as he turned around and walked away.

I stared at his back in disbelief. He was trying to walk away from me? From this?

Not fucking likely.

“Oh, so now you don’t want to talk?” I followed him, hearing my own feet stomp on the floorboards. “How dare you come and accuse me of flirting with someone when you were the one who was flirting with that waitress right in my face on the day we got married?”

“I wasn’t flirting with her.” He turned around again and was right in my face. “Believe me. You’ll know when I’m flirting with someone.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah.” His voice instantly dropped, the look in his eyes getting darker. His eyes trailed down my neck to my heaving chest, and one finger came up and caressed the trail. It ended where my cleavage began, in the tank top I was wearing. My heart was beating even faster now like a war drum, but I stood still, swallowing against the pressure building up in my throat.

“When I’m seducing a woman…” he continued, stepping even closer. I felt his breath against my cheek as he leaned down, and a gasp nearly left me. The desire was building up to a furious crescendo, leaving me breathless. “…I’ll make sure she wants it. I’ll step close like this and breathe her in, inhaling her desire. Then I’ll get her ready by touching all the parts of her body that make her shake. Like this.” His hand left my neck, and without warning, I felt it skim against my nipple. I jerked. I was wearing a bra, but I could still feel the hot impression on my flesh, making me ache and ready.

I wanted more.
