Page 48 of Unexpectedly Mine

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Never in a million years would I have thought that the sexy male revue dancer I married is alawyer.

It may be ridiculous to think that a person’s career could place them firmly in someone’s undatable category, but for me, after the heartbreaking experience I had with Alec, lawyers are a no for me. Been there, done that, refuse to do it again.

“You’re upset.”

“You bet I’m upset. After Alec, I vowed never to date another lawyer again. Now, I find out I’mmarriedto one? What the hell?” I start pacing. “And you knew how I felt. I told you all about Alec and how awful playing second fiddle to his career was.”

“We were having fun; I didn’t think it would be an issue.” He frowns. “And we’re getting an annulment, remember? You won’t have to play second fiddle to anything.”

He’s right. It doesn’t really matter. Griffin’s career is none of my concern. We’re not in this for the long haul. Three weeks, the Kandi Kline interview, finalize the contract with Bergman’s, then Chloe and Barrett’s wedding. We’ll pretend to be a happy couple in love, then Griffin will return to Las Vegas. Time will pass and we’ll break up quietly. No one the wiser that our wedding was a drunken mistake.

“You’re right.” I nod my head slowly. “I was caught off guard, that’s all.”

Trying not to stare at Griffin’s naked torso, I shift my eyes to the other side of the bed where the monogrammed pillow glares back at me. It’s only a pillow, but for the way my stomach fills with guilt, it might as well be a slab of granite that someone has chiseled our names into.

I drop back onto the side of the bed and gather my knees into my chest.

“I’m wondering if we can do this. We can’t shove cake in each other’s faces every time we want to avoid someone’s question. And I’m not a great liar. I feel like I’m moments away from screaming the truth just to get some relief from the anxiety I’m having.”


I turn around to find Griffin biting down on a piece of bacon.

“You’re eating right now?”

“I’m starving. We didn’t eat dinner last night and believe it or not, this body can’t function on a few licks of frosting. If you want my thinking power, I need to eat.”

He shovels in the plate of scrambled eggs and devours the remaining bacon. When he reaches for my donut, I swat his hand away then scoop it up to take a big bite.

“Sprinkles, huh?”

“They’re my favorite,” I say around another huge bite. Normally, I might eat more delicately, take my time and use a napkin, but there’s something about this revue dancer turned lawyer lying half-naked in my bed that has me out of sorts. Or maybe it’s the fact that I don’t care if Griffin thinks I’m a messy eater, I don’t need to impress my fake husband.

“I’m stressing out because this is real now. And I didn’t think everything would be so in my face. The party last night.” I motion to the pillow my parents just gave us. “An embroidered pillow commemorating our marriage.”

“It’s been an interesting twenty-four hours, that’s for sure.” His phone buzzes next to mine and he reaches for it. “Sophie,” he says, typing out a quick reply.

I sigh, realizing I’m complaining about a pillow when Griffin has left his life in Las Vegas for three weeks to be here for me. “I’m sorry. I know this is not what you want to be dealing with either.”

I break off half of my remaining donut and extend it to him as a peace offering. Lawyer or not, I need him. He takes the donut and pops it in his mouth.


He tosses back the covers and stands. “So, what’s the plan for today?”

I try ignoring the fact that Griffin is standing there in his boxer briefs. But my attempt at taking a calming breath results in sucking in too much air and a donut crumb goes down the wrong pipe, causing me to cough uncontrollably.

Griffin pats me on the back, his face filled with concern. “You okay?”

I nod and take the glass of orange juice he hands me. The liquid helps, but so does turning away to take my eyes off Griffin’s perfectly sculpted body. Able to breathe again, I set the juice down and move toward the bathroom. I need to focus on something other than the deep Vs of muscle on either side of my husband’s pelvis.

“I’ve got some meetings this morning,” I say, turning to reach for my robe. “We’ll meet up this afternoon, sound good?”

When I turn back, Griffin diverts his gaze away from me, his hand casually running through his wavy hair. It’s almost like he was checking me out, but I chase that thought away. That’s not what I need to be thinking about at all.

“You said there’s a gym in the building?”

“Yes. Top of the line equipment.”

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