Page 102 of Accidentally Ours

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Sophie catches me off guard, moving to straddle me. I easily fall back on the bed and bring my hands to her hips. Her cutoff jean shorts expose her long legs and I can’t stop myself from running my palms up and down her thighs.

“This is one of my favorite views.” My fingertips tease under the hem of her shorts, exploring the crease of her hip before moving to grip the flesh of her ass.

“Enjoy it. This is as much action as you’re going to get in this bed.”

“So, you’ll be sneaking into my room later?” I wink at her.

She shakes her head, but when I use my grip on her hips to grind her down onto my erection, a strangled moan escapes her throat.

“Come on, Sophie. Let me feel you. I bet you’re so fucking wet for me.” I grind up into her, loving teasing her this way.

She leans forward, changing the angle of her center over my hard cock. I know she’s enjoying the friction on her clit. Her long hair falls over her shoulders, creating a curtain around our faces. Sophie drops her lips to mine, her tongue licks into my mouth and I think I’ve won. Only for her to pull away a moment later.

“We’re not having sex with your parents downstairs.”

When she climbs off me and returns to unpacking, I groan.

I shift onto my side to prop my head in my hand and watch her. Sure, I’m disappointed. I always want her. But two days with Sophie, even without sex, still sounds pretty damn good.



After we unpacked, Hunter handed me a glass of wine and guided me to the screened-in back porch where there’s a sitting area with oversized chairs. The cloud-like chairs with supportive cushions and matching ottomans to prop your feet on have been perfectly placed to watch the sun drop behind the endless trees surrounding the pristine lake.

As instructed, I’m trying to relax, but seeing Hunter interact with his parents is doing funny things to me.

As I watch him talking and joking with his dad while they tend to the grill, I realize it’s because most of the time Hunter and I have spent together has been alone. I mean, that’s the point of having a secret, strictly-sexual relationship as most of the time spent together is in bed, a random dark alcove, or private rooftop, but seeing the way he smiles and laughs with his dad is adorable. The ease of the moment feels like the most natural thing in the world. And when he turns to find me staring at him over the edge of my wine glass and winks, I feel the immediate need to get up and change my underwear.

I’m quickly regretting my no-sex rule for the weekend.

But then Hunter’s mom drops down in the chair next to mine, and I remember why I wanted to be on my best behavior. Kathryn Cartwright is a vision. I see where both Hunter and Hannah get their thick and lustrous shampoo-commercial hair. The only difference being her dark strands are elegantly highlighted with gray.

“This is perfect. Now we can have some girl time.” She smiles and raises her wine glass toward mine to cheers.

I clink her glass and take a sip.

“Hunter said you’re a wedding planner.”

“Assistant,” I correct her. “Intern, technically. But yes, I’m working at Marion Adler Events.”

“And you’re part of the team working on Hannah’s wedding? That’s how you two met?”


“Mom, this isn’t an interrogation.” Hunter’s watching us across the deck, his eyes quietly checking in with me.

“I want to get to know Sophie. If she’s here, she’s obviously caught your attention and held it long enough to make the four-hour drive.”

I think Kathryn is kidding about her son’s attention span, it’s a friendly jab, but it is a reminder of Hunter’s history with women. She doesn’t realize the unique thing about me is that unlike women of Hunter’s past, I’m not trying to land him. Although we’re spending a few days together over the holiday weekend, we’re casual. And if they hadn’t shown up, there was going to be a lot of sex. That’s why Hunter invited me here, with the prospect of two uninterrupted days tangled up in the sheets.

That’s not going to happen now. Not if I want to look Marshall and Kathryn in the eye tomorrow at breakfast.

“We met in Vegas, where I used to live, then reconnected when I moved to the city.” I keep it vague, leaving out all the ways we reconnected: our unexpected run-in at Hannah’s wedding planning lunch, and then our bathroom tryst at Premier’s dinner party.

“That’s nice.” She adjusts her necklace while taking a sip of wine. “Is your family in Las Vegas?”

“My brother recently moved to New York City, too. It’s just us. Our mom died twelve years ago in a car accident and I never met my dad.”
