Page 106 of Accidentally Ours

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“That’s horrible about his parents. I can relate with my mom, but it sounds like he has a nice life now. Traveling the world sounds fun.”

“I don’t know if he travels because it’s fun or because he’s restless and unhappy.”

Hunter wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me in for a kiss.

“Should we head back?” he asks.

I nod and let him lead me toward the path.

Inside the house, we part ways at the guest bedroom door. I can tell Hunter still thinks I’m being ridiculous but I give him a quick kiss goodnight before disappearing inside to get ready for bed.

I slip between the cool sheets and settle in. Earlier, I felt tired, but now that I’m lying here, my brain is awake. After an hour of tossing and turning, I throw back the covers.

I make my way down the hall, push open Hunter’s door, and tiptoe to his bed. I expected him to be asleep, but he pulls back the covers, inviting me in. I slide in next to him and against his warmth.

“We’re not having sex,” I remind him and myself.

“That leaves a lot of other options on the table.”

Hunter shifts me beneath him, bracketing his forearms around my head.

“I’ve never had a girl in my bed here before.”

Hunter’s fingers tease the strap of my tank top off my shoulder and his lips replace it.


“You heard my mom. I’ve never brought a woman here. I always considered it a place for family and didn’t want to bring anyone that was temporary here.”

His lips ghost along my collarbone. It’s featherlight, teasing. It makes me want more.

I guess you broke that rule with me.

Hunter lifts his head from my chest. Even in the darkness, I can see his sharp features, the way his eyes look at me intently. And for a moment, I’m wondering if I said the words out loud. If he somehow heard my thought or if he’s having a similar one.

I’m expecting him to palm my breast, to tease my nipple between his fingers, some action that will push us toward orgasms even if we’re not having sex, but instead, he lowers his lips to mine in a sweet kiss before dropping back to the mattress and pulling my back into his chest, one muscular arm wrapped around my midsection to hold me firmly to him.

“Goodnight, Sophie.” His warm breath tickles the hair on my neck as his lips press against my shoulder. Internally, I consider if I should have even come to his room. We’ve cuddled before, but only briefly after sex. I’m not against cuddling in general, but I wonder if these tender moments with Hunter are starting to confuse what we’re doing. If they’re starting to confuse me.

My body easily settles in next to Hunter. Unlike my head, it’s not confused. It’s relaxed and never wants to leave.

I push the unwanted thought away and inhale a deep breath, letting myself relish Hunter’s embrace. It’s like shoveling down your favorite meal until you realize it’s eventually going to be gone, so you try to savor the last few bites. I fall asleep in his arms determined not to think about the moment when feeling his strong arms around me is no longer an option.



I find my mom out on the screened-in porch, a mug of coffee between her hands, and a book on the table beside her. Before she assisted my dad in building the powerhouse real estate development company that is Premier Real Estate, she graduated from Columbia with an English Literature degree and dreamt of teaching high school English. Then, I came along and my parents decided together it was best for her to stay home with me. She’s still an avid reader and has used her money and social standing to help with many literacy charities in New York City and beyond.

“How’d you sleep?” she asks.

“Great. You?”

“I always sleep well here. It’s so peaceful.” She takes a sip of her coffee, and I do the same. “How did Sophie sleep?”

“She wouldn’t want me to tell you that I know the answer to that question.” I can’t help the smile that spreads over my face, then I add, “She’s still sleeping.”

Her eyes crinkle at the corners and I can tell she knows what I’m getting at.
