Page 111 of Accidentally Ours

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“Do you skate?” I ask, watching him open a second box and pull out a pair of men’s black roller skates.

He shrugs. “I’m an athlete, how hard can it be?”

We move to a bench outside the rink where I pull on my new skates and tie the laces. They fit perfectly and look even better on than they did in the box. Eager to try them, I roll over to the rink’s entrance, then skate out onto it. I haven’t skated in a long time, but it’s like riding a bike and it comes back to me quickly. I’ve managed to find my footing and am easily rolling around the rink backwards when Hunter moves out to join me.

He’s two pushes onto the rink when he wipes out, landing hard on his ass.

“Oh, shit.” Quickly, I skate over to him. “Are you okay?”

“Let’s just say my ass isn’t the only thing that is bruised.”

I grab his hands and help pull him up.

“This is a lot harder than I thought it was going to be,” he says.

“It’s about balance and keeping your weight over your feet.”

I watch him take smaller movements this time, all his bravado gone.

“Bend your knees, don’t lock them.”

He looks like Frankenstein, holding his arms straight out in front of him for balance. I press my lips together to keep from laughing. There’s something about this gorgeous, and usually overly confident, man now cautiously moving around the skating rink. It’s endearing to know that Hunter Cartwright, CEO, billionaire, and overall self-assured man, has a weak point.

I keep ahold of his hands and skating backwards, I lead him around. As we move, Hunter’s body starts to relax.

His gaze drops to my legs. “I didn’t think watching you skate would be this big of a turn on.”


After a few laps around, Hunter is feeling more confident, so I drop his hands and fall into place beside him. He immediately grabs my hand.

“You’re doing great,” I assure him.

“I know, but I like holding your hand.” He presses our palms together and a swarm of butterflies take flight in my stomach.

“This reminds me of middle school and skating around the rink with the boy I liked.”

“In this case, would I be that boy?”

“No, you’re his inappropriately older brother who I’m secretly crushing on.”

“Scandalous.” He wiggles his brows and shoots me a devilish grin. “And you’re the girl I’d attempt ridiculous stunts for, trying to impress you with my athletic prowess.”

Hunter drops my hand to skate ahead of me. Once he’s got space, he moves one leg out to the side to spin in a circle and face me. My hands are posed for clapping at his performance, but when he pushes off to start skating again, he loses his balance and falls flat on his ass.

My breath hitches in distress before skating over to check on him.

“Are you okay?” I ask, concerned.

When he starts laughing loudly, I sigh in relief. I reach out my hand to help him up.

He takes my hand, but when I give him a pull upward, he yanks me down to him instead. My body is now crushed against his.

“Don’t be fooled, gorgeous. This is all part of the plan.” He winks.

“What plan?”

“To make you fall for me.”
