Page 52 of Wings of Deception

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“Race you!” I call out, letting my wings free a second later. Dina knows my shit, though, and we make it to the top at almost the same time.

What looked like a balcony from down below is more of a ledge, but there’s enough room for us and our bags at least. Dina places a blanket down to cover up the wood, and we both get comfortable with our legs dangling over the edge.

The sun beats down on us, relaxing me all the way to my toes. The sky is clear, not a cloud for miles. It’s the perfect weather for a girls’ day. From up here, the campus looks so much bigger. There’s an almost perfect ring of trees between the main hall and Somersault Falls with a well in the center. I remember seeing it on the map before, but never knew what it was.

“What’s that well for?”

Dina glances at the well and shoots me a mischievous grin. “Nothing anymore, but I’m told it’s haunted by an angel who fell in and broke her wing. Apparently if you stick your head in at night, you can still hear her calling out for help.”

A chill goes through me despite the warm sun. “Like that’s not terrifying or anything. If I suddenly go missing, you better be the first person down that well to check for me.”


We pull out our snacks and drinks in silence, both content to enjoy the scenery. Dina and I never need pointless conversation. We’re too close for that.

It hits me then that I feel the same sense of comfort with Raphael and Theo. It feels weird not to see them today. I can’t remember the last day that passed by without at least seeing them in class or afterward.

While we eat, we watch as the students rush around campus. It’s clear who the natural loners are from the way they actively avoid other angels. We point out different cliques and their leaders, trying to guess if they’ll be in the same groups next semester or if someone else will take their place.

Seraphina and her group of bullies are leaving the main hall and heading off toward the beach. My lips turn down as I think about the cruel things she’s said and done to me.

“I hope that group falls apart before next semester. I could use a break from their bitchiness.”

“Seraphina is the worst. I dealt with an angel just like her last year. She ended up having to transfer out because of a family emergency, but everyone knew the real reason she left.”

“Why?” Curiosity mixes with hope inside me as I wait for Dina to answer.

“She got caught trying to seduce a teacher for better grades. Apparently, she’d already succeeded with a different one in another class, so she thought she’d try her luck again.”

I laugh, unable to stop the giggles from bubbling up as I picture Seraphina offering the same. “What happened to the teachers?”

“Not a thing. They didn’t have enough proof, and the one professor they caught her with was very clearly not interested. But …” Dina scans the campus until she spots something. “Do you see that angel there, in the rainbow-colored T-shirt?”

I take another bite of the soft, chewy brownie that I pilfered from the kitchens, holding back a moan of delight before I finally spot the angel Dina is referring to.

All I can manage is a soft “um-hmm” with my mouth full.

“Well, I heard they’re fucking a professor. The same one who couldn’t keep it in his pants last year.”

My mouth practically falls open. “No! Which one?” I ask, trying to imagine which professor gave off those vibes. As angels, we age well, so it’s not like the teachers here are ugly, but one thing I’ve learned is that personality goes a long fucking way in adding, or detracting, from someone’s desirability.

“Professor Uriel.”

I cringe.

Dina mimics my look before laughing. “I know. If you’re going to risk expulsion by fucking a teacher, at least choose one that’s not so repulsive.”

“Oh, really? And which professor would you choose?”

“Professor Malik,” she answers quickly, like she’s considered this answer so many times before. “Have you seen the way he moves? Fucking hell. What I wouldn’t give to have one-on-one training sessions with that brute of an angel.”

Thinking of Professor Malik only brings up memories of Zeke and the way our bodies mold together during class. Honestly, I’d probably have better luck practicing with Professor Malik than I do with Zeke. At least he doesn’t hate me.

As if sensing my thoughts, Dina places a hand on my arm. “How are you doing, truly?”

I open a bag of chips, popping one into my mouth while I think about my answer. Dina will know if I lie, but I don’t want to burden her with all the raging thoughts spiraling through my head. She won’t settle for less though.

“Honestly, I’m a bit of a mess. After spending my entire life close to my parents, it’s strange to be so far away from them. Especially now that we’re not allowed to leave the campus. I relied on them so much growing up, and now it feels like there’s a piece of me missing, ya know?”
