Page 22 of Twice as Twisted

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What did I know about millionaires? Maybe this was how they got so rich.

It was Saturday night,and the first night we had ever spent as a ‘family’.

That sentiment grated on me like nails running down a chalkboard. This felt like the most dysfunctional family since Fleetwood Mac. I tried to act as though none of this was absurd and did what any normal family would do. We celebrated.

I threw a congratulatory party for Kostas. He was hired as a full-time consultant (no degree required) on Davenport’s team. Maybe if I made a big deal of it; he would keep this job. The new construction would require renovations, and Kostas would attend the architecture fair in Richard’s place. Since the guys could barely walk. For five glorious days.

As a child, I was taught not to dwell too long or share problems. They instructed me, time after time, to soldier up and keep on going. You never aired your dirty laundry. Before the boat business, my father was in the military. Army infantry, and that lifestyle carried on into his family. It didn’t take long for me to realise I used sex to escape.

My older sister did too, only she never got caught. I guess she was just better at it than I was; or maybe I wanted to get caught. It didn’t matter if I didn’t want to be a part of a wealthy-military family. I had to fall in line. But the way I lived my life was by doing what I wanted now and asking for forgiveness later.

The affair with Mr. White, one failed marriage after another. I became my father’s favourite disappointment. When my older brother died, a piece of my father did too. A part of my father I could never bring back, no matter what I did. I watched the three olive skinned men in my kitchen with a smile. Any girl, gay or they would kill to be me right now. I pictured myself sandwiched in the middle of the Greek, muscled trio.

“Cake, ice cream, and a beautiful woman. How’d I get so lucky?” Kostas draped me under his arm, but my eyes never left Judas. He picked up a strawberry and placed it into his mouth, sucking the fruit until his cheeks hallowed in. My clit lightly spasmed. I giggled into Kostas neck, something I got used to doing with men who bothered me, but I tried to appease. Men were pleased by silly things like girlish laughter and tossed hair.

“Jeno, cut the cake. I need some sugar to keep me awake on the plane.” Kostas poured himself another glass of champagne, topping off my glass as well. Jeno obeyed, as he always did. Judas eyed Kostas and I, so I stepped over to the table to help Jeno with the plates.

“Wouldn’t you want to sleep on a red eye?” I asked Kostas, handing him a piece of cake.

“I’m having breakfast with some friends. I’ll just sleep when I’m dead.” He gave a wicked laugh and sat down at the table. Jeno made an awkward joke about Kostas’ transformation from bell boy to business consultant. Kostas eyed him, but no one laughed. Judas stood from the table as soon as Kostas sat, and the tension in the air hung around us like dead weight. Not sure what to do besides pour myself copious amounts of champagne, I sat next to Kostas.

“As super fun and fucking awkward as this is— I’m gonna find somewhere to get drunk.” Judas approached the table, his shoulders noticeably wider than Kosta’s. “But first…” He leaned over me to grab a plate of cake, his abdomen brushing my arm lightly. The musk of his body mixing with a spicy soap met my nostrils. My body tingled. I quietly inhaled, a small jolt landing deep inside me. Just as I melted into a vision of his face buried between my legs, Judas’s cursing snapped me back to reality.

“Oh fuck! I’m so sorry. I’m so careless.” Judas’ vanilla frosted cake had landed on my lap. The tight black leggings creating a valley of crumbs at the apex of my pussy and thighs.

As fast as lightning, he grabbed a dishtowel and bent over me, locking eyes with mine. He tossed the crumbled cake onto the floor and wrapped the towel around his hand, digging in between my legs and roughly brushing my pussy. He whipped the towel at me and stood.

“Damn shame. I bet that cake was so tasty.” He left the towel there on my lap and walked to the antique hutch on the far side of the kitchen. Grabbing a bottle of whiskey, he disappeared up the stairs and out of sight.

This kid was really going to be a problem.

Kostas had finishedpacking and waited by the door for an Uber.

I stood in the kitchen and did the dishes. Jeno helped me clean up the scattered plates and cups that made their way around the kitchen and sitting area. Kostas was eager to leave. I finished wiping down the counters and dried my hands on the shell patterned towels that hung by the stove.

Down the hall and in the formal seating area, Kostas sat in a vintage Ralph Lauren winged back chair. I turned on the small lamp beside him, but he didn’t move. I sat next to him in the matching seat and adjusted my robe. His phone chimed, and he stood, grabbing the suitcase beside him. I stood as well, more eager to usher him out the door than anything else.

He stepped up to me, his frame almost dwarfing mine. He leaned in close to my face, cocking his head sightly to the side, “Is there anything I need to be worried about with Judas?” He stood close and smelled like clove. He always smoked clove cigarettes when he’d been drinking.

I crossed my arms over my unsupported breast and huffed, “Yes, I think there’s a lot you need to be worried about with Judas.” He didn’t laugh or smile. He just stared at me; eyes fixed.

“I’m not kidding, Alyssa. I know all about your sexual appetite for wild things.”

Wild? Maybe. Try anything once? Absolutely.

“Whatever, have fun on you ‘business’ trip.” I air quoted and turned away from him, the chilled bottle of Jadot in the wine fridge calling my name.

My head was yanked back once again, my body halted. I felt his back pressed up against mine and his fingers tangled in my hair. Pulling my head back until my mouth was next to his, he said, “Don’t be a little slut while I’m gone. You may like it in the bedroom, but you won’t like it in real life.”

He released me and I heard the door slam behind me before I could even react. My breathing was rapid, my hands shaking. I tried to process his vile words.

How had I not seen this coming? Weren’t abusive men the ones who yelled at their wives in public and paid off the right people to keep quiet? Guys like Felix, who just expected me to want to fuck them just because they were wealthy. Guys who took what they wanted, even if it meant fucking them in the coat closet with their hand over your mouth.

Kostas had always been kind, used his manners. I know he loved his mother and was crushed by her death. Now I felt scared. I realised I couldn’t do anything to speed up this process. I was just going to stick it out. With this stranger, who I didn’t know. A shadow in the hallway by the stairs caught my peripheral, and Judas walked toward me. Wearing nothing but a pair of tight grey boxer briefs. I sucked in, shocked at my body’s reaction to his presence. He said nothing, just continued to walk past me and towards the kitchen. Every single cell in my body wanted to follow him, but Kostas had just walked out the door and Jeno was about to walk in.

Like the good girl my inner child so desperately wanted to be, I tiptoed back to my bedroom and conceded to fuck myself with my fingers with his name on my lips.

I staredinto the steaming black cup of coffee in front of me and disassociated.
