Page 21 of War

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He paid their tab and before they walked in, he paused.

“Put on your vests. You can stage in the bar, but I want to be closer. I’m heading to the stairwell and staging on the floor below.”

They split into two teams, going up both sets of stairs. His skin was crawling as if hundreds of spider legs were running everywhere. It was the same feeling that had saved his life in the military multiple times. He clocked the floor numbers as they ran up the stairs. Two levels to be there. As he passed the next level, his security text went off.

Code Ross, Three imminent.

He listened to everyone in his ear as they cleared their areas. He spotted the lone man left to guard the entry. Shooting, he clipped him as someone else on the team’s bullet spun him when it hit his shoulder. In what seemed like minutes but was only seconds, they had him subdued and entered the apartment. The smell of gunfire hung in the air, but it was quiet. Too quiet. Winnie broke off to check the status of the downed man near the bar. She shook her head.

He motioned he was taking the lead into the bedroom. No one in the room—he moved toward the bathroom.

Bear Code Joey. 2 targets neutralized. Holding bathroom.

“War coming in!” he yelled. He didn’t particularly want to be shot tonight.

Opening the door, Remington was holding a towel against Bear’s side. The bullet must have hit at a perfect angle, completely missing his vest. The client was cowering in the tub. Remington’s other hand had her gun leveled at one of the intruders. He’d taken a couple hits. His face was bloody, and Remington had cuffed his hands behind him.

“Flick, get in here.”

Although they all had basic medical knowledge, as an EMT, Flick was best suited for the job. Remington moved once Flick had him and Winnie slid into Remington’s place. Even though he was furious she’d been in danger, he was impressed with Remington. She’d obviously had an injured partner and still managed to keep the client safe and take him down.

She walked over to War. Glancing around, she nodded. “Thanks for the backup. Flick, you’ll go with Bear. Cannon, would you and Scoop stay with our client in the bedroom? War will be with me. Winnie, you’re on police detail.”

She didn’t wait for anyone to answer her. She reached down, grabbed the guy and hauled him to his feet. Pulling him out into the front room, she glanced around. Smirking, she walked over to the balcony. She glanced at the security person who’d come with them.

“You’re on law enforcement detail. I don’t want anyone bothering me.”

“Got it, boss.”

Following her out to the balcony, he was intrigued by her demeanor. What did she plan on doing?

She shoved the guy into one of the chairs and stood in front of him. Glaring at him, she let him fidget a little. After having her watch him for a couple minutes, he couldn’t stand it.


She walked closer.

“I’m going to ask you questions and I expect honest answers. I’m not in a happy mood after you shot one of my detail.”

“I didn’t shoot him,” he protested.

“You might not have fired that shot but you fired tonight. Now, what was your objective?”

He was impressed with her technique. Most people asked who the person was and immediately put people on the defensive. She was asking about his actions.

“I can’t say.”

“I get that. You think you have some allegiance to whoever paid your bill. It’s admirable but you seem like a smart guy so I’m going to give you your options. Option A—you tell me what I want to know, and you walk out of here. I won’t even touch you. Option B—well, let me show you.”

Remington grabbed his arm, pushing him toward the balcony railing.

“That’s a long way down. I wonder how fast a body would be falling by the time it crashed into that cement. Do you think the person would live and if so, would they ever walk again?”

She shoved him back in the seat, his eyes skittering back and forth to Remington. Her little explanation had scared the little shit, but something seemed to be scaring him more.

“I’ll ask again. What was your objective?”

“He’ll kill me.”
