Page 30 of War

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Maybe tomorrow would be the start of something different for them and she wouldn’t regret saying yes. It had been forever since she’d anticipated going out on a date. She did want to look her best and hated trying to figure out what to wear. Heck, she had the same suit in three different shades of grey to make dressing for the security company easier.

“Okay, Beth, you win. You can do my nails as long as it’s clear polish or a light color. You can also pick out the jeans and my top. I want to look nice but still want to look like me.”

“Woohoo!” Beth yelled and jumped up, dancing around the room.

Jesse and Winnie walked in. “What is going on?”

“Remi’s letting me do her nails and pick her top for her date. War won’t know what hit him.”

Jesse and Winnie just smiled at Beth’s antics. She loved all her sisters with their quirks and all. She needed to get some work done if she was taking off tomorrow night. Her dad would scold her if he knew how many evenings she did work at home in front of her TV. She hoped War wasn’t disappointed because she wasn’t one to need to be out every night. She loved being home in the evening and relaxing. She wasn’t a party all the time girl even when she was younger. She’d see. He might pick her up and turn into the asshole who called her princess and treated her as if she didn’t matter. If that happened, she’d deal, but she was hoping tomorrow night was the start of something new for them.

Could he be someone who would see her for who she was? Would he expect her to change, or would he help her achieve her dreams? She’d never know unless she opened herself up a little to see. For the time being, she was going to give him the benefit of the doubt. Despite how much of an ass he’d been, whenever she pictured her ideal life, it was with him.

She hated being vulnerable, but War had the ability to destroy her if she opened herself up and he rejected her but that little part of her that still believed in fairy tales wanted him to see her for who she was and know she was exactly what he needed.

Chapter Sixteen

War checked over hisbike. He’d had one of the prospects detail it today. He wanted everything perfect for their date. He’d learned a lot in all the conversations he’d had. He’d even spent time chatting with his twin. Of all the guys, he was the one that told him brother or no, if he hurt Remington, he’d be kicking his ass.

Bear walked in and sat down. He waited. Bear may be his best friend, but he also wasn’t above telling him he was being an idiot. He hoped he wasn’t here to discourage him from going out with Remington.

“Bike looks good. You’ve planned a good evening. You have one more thing before you go, though.”

He glanced at his friend. The man who had dragged him through some of the worst times of his life and helped him survive. Arching his brow, he waited. He wasn’t leaving until Bear said his peace and he had thirty minutes before he needed to leave to pick up Remington.

“You have to let the guilt go.”

Let the guilt go. How did you let twenty years of regret and guilt go just because someone said so? Bear knew what had happened. He’d been there. War had failed and no one else was to blame. Guilt and regret had been his constant companions.

“Guilt keeps us from making the same mistake again,” he replied. Bear’s shake of his head irritated him. Why did he have to bring it up before his date? Like he didn’t have enough on his mind tonight already.

“It wasn’t your mistake. It was hers. I’d give anything to go back and not have you carry this burden.”

He’d wondered over the years if Bear had felt as bad as he did. She’d only been his trainee because Bear had been injured and he’d been picked to complete her training. He remembered being so worried for his friend and furious that the captain had chosen him to take over her training. He’d read all Bear’s notes. He’d been ready to request she be placed on disciplinary action for not following orders. Bear hadn’t yet because she was the daughter of one of the captain’s friends. He’d decided to give her the benefit of the doubt, which had been a mistake. The biggest mistake during his career in law enforcement. Her death was on him.

“It was mine.”
