Page 64 of War

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War wiped the tearsfrom his eyes, not caring who saw them. His warrior woman had given him the greatest gift—a beautiful baby girl with her eyes. He knew Remi was strong but watching her go through eight hours of labor without a scream was amazing.

“She looks just like you did, Remi,” Locks whispered, leaning over to kiss Remington’s forehead. “I wish your mama could see you, War, and this beautiful baby girl. She was always positive you two would get together in your own time.”

His dad and mom crowded a little closer, his mom patting his arm while Baron wrapped his arm around both of them.

“She’ll be a heartbreaker,” Baron commented.

“She’ll be a badass like her mother and father,” Regina retorted.

Knowing their child, she’d probably be both. He and Remi were both strong-willed and hardheaded.

“Okay, the grandparents have had their turn. Scoot away so we can all see our niece.”

A chorus of yeahs had all the sisters agreeing with Winnie. When Remi had informed him that she wanted a family birth with everyone in the family suite to have the baby, he’d been skeptical, but it was perfect.

A couple of times when he didn’t know how he was going to allow Remi to continue hurting, his dad and Locks had patted his shoulder and given him words to get through it. When Remi had been getting tired and looked at him and whispered she wasn’t sure how much longer she could do it, her sisters had rallied around with encouraging words and reminded Remi how strong she was.

His baby girl had a huge family to help her grow up but for right now, he wanted to enjoy her being small enough to fit in his arms. He couldn’t wait until they were home and could cuddle together. Not that they’d be alone even there. He could imagine he might need to put some type of lock on his doors if he wanted to get a little time alone with his girls. Considering their houses were all together, it wasn’t unusual for all of them to gravitate to one of the houses. With the addition of their little one, it would most likely be theirs.

“What’s her name?”

War smiled. They had chosen multiple names since they didn’t want to find out what they were having before the birth. They’d had a whiteboard of their favorites, keeping it hidden in their closet so the family couldn’t give their opinions. He and Remington had enough problems picking just between the two of them.

“Amelia Kathryn Shields. Amelia because of the boundaries Amelia Earhart broke and Kathryn for Mom. We want her to know that there are no limits to what she can do.” Remi’s words had her sister’s smiling.

“I’ll teach her how to take care of her car.”

“She and I can be gym buddies.”

“I imagine after a little time, she’ll be running circles around me on the computer.”

“Aunty Beth will be teaching her about surveillance and where to buy the best clothes.”

Her sisters’ comments flew fast and furious. He had no doubts that Amelia would be well loved. Maybe now he could convince Remington the compound needed the barbed wire added to keep their little warrior safe.

The End
