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Briefly she considered going to the leaders of the camp and telling them what had happened. Telling them how the three men had attacked her, how they would have brutally raped her had it not been for the ukkur with the dark hair.

But the three men were dead. They no longer posed a threat to any of the other women in the camp. And after seeing what the killer had done to the bodies, any other would-be rapists would think twice.

If Serenity came forward about it now, it might only result in her savior getting in trouble. Or it could invite retaliation from the dead men’s friends if they had any.

No. It was best to keep silent, Serenity decided.

Patrick was now rushing back with Serenity’s wooden cup cradled in both hands. The cup was filled to the brim and spilling over with clear water.

“Here you go,” Patrick said, out of breath.

Serenity thanked him, took the dripping cup, and drank. It was real spring water, cool and fresh and slightly sweet with minerals. It did not completely erase the sour-milk taste of vomit from her mouth, but it helped. She took a few gulps to soothe her sore throat, then rinsed and spit to clean her mouth, and with the last she washed her lips and chin.

“Here, I’ll get you some more,” Patrick offered, reaching for the cup again.

“No, no, I’m good. Thanks.”

“You sure you’re good?”

Serenity nodded.

Patrick sat back down on the boulder beside her and heaved a small sigh.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “I shouldn’t have told the story so explicitly, I guess. I just thought…”

His voice trailed off, but Serenity knew exactly what he had thought. He had not expected a cop to lose her lunch over the mere mention of gore. But of course, he didn’t know her very personal connection to the killings, and Serenity was happy to keep it that way.

“It’s all right,” she said. “It wasn’t your fault, Patrick. It’s just…everything.”

Serenity stared around the canyon again. The dizziness was finally clearing from her vision, and her stomach had settled, though it now felt empty and hungry again.

“I hate it here,” Serenity muttered. “I know that sounds selfish, after everything the ukkur have done for us. I mean, if they hadn’t saved us, we’d all be meat in a nith butcher shop. But I just don’t think I can go on living like this…”

She shook her head.

“But who am I kidding? It’s not like we have any other choice, right? It’s not like there’s any way we’re ever getting off the godforsaken planet.”

“Actually,” Patrick said. “That’s what I really wanted to talk to you about.”

Serenity perked up. “What do you mean?”

Patrick’s face darkened. He checked over his shoulder, making sure nobody was within earshot, then he turned back to Serenity and spoke in a low voice.

“Listen, Serenity, it’s important you don’t tell anyone about this, okay?”

She saw his eyes drift unconsciously to the police tattoo on her shoulder.

“Whatever it is, Patrick, I won’t tell.”


Serenity was reluctant to promise. She didn’t even know what Patrick was going to tell her. But her curiosity got the better of her.


Patrick flashed a grin and slid closer, talking so quietly his voice was almost a whisper.

“Serenity, I can arrange to get us back to Earth.”

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