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Unless Serenity acted now.

Even though there were multiple guns aimed at her now, Serenity didn’t care. She was captured by the nith again, which meant she was screwed no matter what. At least she could try to do something to save the rest of the lives back in the canyon.

Without a sound, Serenity lunged at the leader of the nith. She drew her hand back, intending to drive her fist into the data slate and smash it. She didn’t know if it would work…

Nor did she have a chance to find out.

Before Serenity’s blow had a chance to land, there was a crack of weapons fire. The warm prairie air filled with a stinging scent of ozone, and her muscles were paralyzed with a strange electrical buzzing that robbed all of her strength.

She had failed, Serenity thought to herself as she collapsed headlong into the grass at the nith leader’s feet. Darkness enfolded her senses. She had failed, but at least she had tried.

At least she had died fighting.


Except Serenity had not died. She was dreaming. Or maybe deathwasa dream? Maybe this was the afterlife? She had been raised a good Catholic girl growing up. First Communion. Confirmation. The whole deal. But somewhere along the way, those things had slipped by the wayside.

And as for the situation she found herself in now, Serenity couldn’t tell if it was heaven or hell. It didn’t quite match the traditional descriptions of either place, but Serenity was leaning toward the latter.

There were flames, after all.

And heat.

Intense heat that drew the sweat from her pores in fat beads that speckled her naked flesh.

But there was no smell of brimstone here. Or if there was, it was completely covered up by the far stronger smell that surrounded her.

The ukkur smell, bestial and masculine and obscene.

It wasn’t such a stretch to imagine that the devil might smell like that.

In the dream, Serenity was back in the canyon, back in the ukkur encampment, but not as she had ever seen it before in waking life.

It was night, and dozens of bonfires filled the space with a throbbing, flickering orange glow. There was a crowd gathered round. No human men. Only ukkur warriors and their little human female mates. The flames painted their shadows onto the canyon walls. Outsized, shuddering shadows that made Serenity tremble with fear.

She was on her knees in the middle of the canyon. A collar of alien leather was fastened snugly around her throat. There was a metal loop on the front of the collar, and it was attached by a chain to a large wooden pillar.

Serenity was bound. Leashed and collared like a pet.

Or like a ritual sacrifice.

She reminded herself that this was all just a dream, but that did little to ease her sense of panic. She tried to will herself awake, but it didn’t work. She was going to have to ride this dream out to the bitter end, whatever that may be.

A massive form stepped forward from the throng surrounding her.

It was the lone warrior. Serenity’s warrior. The one who had saved her in the tunnels. He was naked, completely naked, and his scar-striped muscles shone like bronze in the firelight.

God, he was huge.

In more ways than one.

Serenity’s frightened eyes traveled down the alien warrior’s rippling torso, following the deeply engraved lines of his abdomen and the deep channels that slashed downward from his taut hips to his groin.

Serenity gasped aloud.

Thereitwas, rising proudly from a closely cropped thatch of dark fur at an upward angle. Serenity had never seen such an intimidating cock before. Not in real life, not in dreams, not ever. The long, girthy shaft was netted with plump veins, and it curved slightly upward into a glistening red bell-shaped head.
