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The whine of engines was getting louder as the hoverbikes drew near. Their headlights were fixed on the ukkur warrior, and his muscled body glowed in the night.

The ukkur was unperturbed. His motions were quick, but also calm and deliberate. He dropped one stone projectile into the pocket of the sling and whirled it. The sling issued a soft whirring sound as it spun.

The ukkur focused on his target, unblinking.

There was a salvo of nith weapons. More red energy bolts sizzled past. The ukkur didn’t even flinch.

He released the stone.

A moment later, Serenity heard a sound that reminded her of a fastball slapping a catcher’s mitt, followed by the heavy boom of metal crashing into the ground.

One down, one to go.

The ukkur dropped the second stone into the sling and twirled the primitive weapon into a humming blur.

As Serenity watched, time seemed to slow and stretch. She gazed up at the strong, steadfast ukkur as he took aim on his second target. More blaster bolts flew past, close enough to singe hair. The ukkur was unfazed. Utterly fearless of death.

Serenity’s sex throbbed with desire at the sight. Her nipples tingled with arousal. Heat surged into her cheeks. These werenotappropriate reactions to the situation. She chalked it up to the drug coursing through her system, but in the back of her mind, she wasn’t sure.

The ukkur threw the second stone.

Again, Serenity heard that ball-glove slap of the projectile hitting its target.

The ukkur dropped, throwing his body over Serenity’s like a shield. There was a flash of light, then a dark blur and the Doppler-shift of the hoverbike engine as it roared inches overhead. Something warm and wet spattered her forehead. Oil? Grease? No…

It was blood. Nith blood.

A second later, Serenity heard and felt the impact of the vehicle crashing nearby.

God, that had been close.

As quickly as he had dropped her before, the ukkur scooped up Serenity’s limp body, flung her over his shoulder once more, and raced off into the night.


The ukkur ran for what seemed like miles, never slowing his stride, never even breaking his sweat.

Meanwhile, Serenity struggled to regain control of her muscles. Gradually, she was able the wiggle her fingers, then her toes, and with a bit of effort, she even managed to flex her arms and legs a little bit, though she doubted she’d be able to stand if the ukkur set her down—something the warrior showed no intention of doing.

After a while, Serenity’s wriggling got on the ukkur’s nerves.

“Be still,” he grunted.

It was not a phrase that Serenity normally would have understood, but when she heard the alien syllables translated in to monotone English, she realized she still had the translator device plugged into her ear.

Serenity decided it was best to comply with the ukkur’s brusque command, and she stopped shifting on the brute’s big shoulder. Instead, she focused her attention on squeezing her fingers, repeatedly making a fist.

Soon the surrounding landscape changed. The dense weeds gave way to hard packed earth dotted here and there with large, round boulders like half-buried dinosaur eggs.

With surprising lightness, the ukkur jumped up onto one of these big smooth stones. Then he proceeded to traverse the landscape by hopping from boulder to boulder, sometimes leaping twenty feet or more.

It took Serenity a moment to realize what he was doing.

No tracks.

Running through the grasslands, the heavy ukkur had left a clear trail of trampled grass that the nith would easily follow. But they would have trouble following his trail now.

After a few minutes of hopping, the ukkur and Serenity arrived at a much larger outcropping. Keeping one big hand clamped tightly on Serenity’s bare thighs, the ukkur climbed a short incline of rubble, then ducked inside a crevice in the rock.
