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To Serenity’s right stood one of the smaller conical tipis, one of the dwellings shared by an ukkur pack. And from within this tent were drifting all sorts of sounds that sent the blood rushing into Serenity’s cheeks, as well as a few other places on her body.

It was the sound of a woman—a human woman just like herself—and she was moaning and whimpering in ecstasy.

The blush in Serenity’s cheeks deepened.

There were other sounds coming from within the tent. Ukkur sounds. Three or four of the alien brutes—it was hard to tell exactly—and they were grunting and growling like beasts as they worked on the human female.

Many of the women in camp had been taken as mates by the ukkur. In fact, these human mates were the main reason the brutish aliens were interested in freeing the humans from nith captivity. There were no ukkur females, and they needed human women with whom to breed and produce offspring. After a generation or two, they would have an army of young ukkur warriors to overthrow the evil nith.

But there was obviously more to it than that.

If the ukkur’s sole interest had been growing their numbers, each one of the primitive aliens could have taken a harem of human women to impregnate. Instead, the warriors seemed to prefer the reverse setup—multiple ukkur sharing one human mate.

Maybe losing all of their females in the past made the aliens super protective of their mates now.

Whatever the case may have been, it was clear to Serenity that what was happening inside that tent was not just businesslike baby-making. The grunting, rumbling ukkur were getting into it. And from the sound of it, the human woman was having the time of her life.

Serenity knew she shouldn’t stand there and listen.

She really shouldn’t…

But she couldn’t seem to help herself. Perhaps it was the depressingly long amount of time since she had enjoyed a man’s touch. Or maybe it was just plain old curiosity. Whatever it was, Serenity found herself leaning toward the dwelling so she could hear better.

As she placed her ear closer to the tent, she picked up other sounds as well. The steady, rhythmic clap of skin on wet skin. Raunchy squelching sounds. The suction of kissing lips.

And through it all, the sound of the unknown human woman moaning as her mates shared her body.

Back on Earth, Serenity would have found the idea downright scandalous. As far as she was concerned, one man was more than enough. But now, listening to the primal orgy taking place inside the tent, fantasies started to materialize in her mind’s eye. Fantasies of her own naked, writhing body being shared and dominated by multiple ukkur brutes.

Serenity’s skin bristled with goosebumps. Her nipples turned hard and hot, like beads of baked clay. Slippery warmth seeped and pooled between her legs.

This was wrong. So very, very wrong.

But Serenity just couldn’t tear herself away.

One of her hands cupped her own breast. The other dipped between her legs and slipped beneath the ragged hem of her loincloth.

Serenity was startled twice in quick succession.

The first thing that startled her were the sharp cries from inside the tent. The woman was coming, and her climax exploded from her lips with yelps and howls of pleasure.

The second thing that startled Serenity was the hand that clamped firmly over her mouth.

Someone had snuck up on her in the darkness. She had been so enthralled by the sounds of lovemaking, that she had not even heard her assailant’s approach.

She desperately tried to scream, but her voice was stifled by the hand over her lips. What small muffled sounds did slip out were masked by the shouts of the climaxing woman in the tent.

An instant later, an arm coiled around Serenity’s midsection, and she found herself being lifted off the ground and carried away into the night.


Serenity’s first thought was that it was an ukkur.

But the hand stifling her cries, while sizeable, was nowhere near as big as an ukkur’s hand. And even though her assailant was strong enough to lift her off the ground, his jerky movements and labored grunts made it clear that it was not an easy feat for him. An ukkur, on the other hand, would have had no trouble picking her up like a toy.

The biggest giveaway of all, however, was the smell.

It was not the musky, bestial scent that the ukkur males exuded. No, this person reeked of stale sweat and overworked sebaceous glands. A sour, nauseating stench that could only come from an unwashed human.
